you Could be the green wave is reflected when Completing the ballot paper?
Yes. I have traditionally the SP-men list submitted, and a pair of Green panaschiert, I know yourself and the your party good. The whole list change: no.
you have predicted in the summer that the Green could be to the great fifth power. What this means for our concordance?
The shift of power is actually exceptional, and political scientists and journalists ventilation. The concordance system is not compromised. And that is because it has built with the people’s rights a strong institutional pressure factor, an anti-roll bar,. As soon as a warehouse by March, will be stopped by referendums. This keeps the System stable and in Balance.
“I am of the opinion that you have to allow the Green as quickly as possible, the Federal Council involvement.”Rudolf Strahm
So it plays no matter who sits in the Bundesrat?
Yet, of course. It is deeply rooted in our value system that all forces should be represented in the government – this applies to the left and to the right. That’s why I’m also of the opinion that you have to allow the Green as quickly as possible, the Federal Council involvement.
The SVP also has a legislature long wait.
Yes, but the harm of the credibility of the entire system. The Federal Council with two SVPlern is more credible, because a representative was present than when a major part of the population, too little and hurt felt. A Federal Council, with a green representation, it would be after these elections.
So you are in favour of Ignazio Cassis deselect?
Yes, you would have to take in purchase. This is painful for the party, for the Person, of course – and it contradicts actually our Tradition. But our conservation culture must not go so far that in the end, the important population is to be excluded from the government. Add to this that even many of the Bourgeois would not mourn the garrulous Minister of foreign Affairs, because he brings nothing to them.
“These boys have a different value system, are quite elitist, have little relation to the work and life of the world.”Rudolf Strahm
The Green in the High SP in the Deep. Why was overrun, the SP of the climate wave?
The only has to do partly with the climate wave, I guess. These elections were also generally against all the established political parties, against the Establishment – according to the European Trend. The people want the other, the New. That’s why the French Macron have chosen, therefore, the boy is Short again Chancellor in Austria, this is the Greens in Germany as well. The Trend to fresh and young you look within the SP, where it has many flushed from the lecture hall directly in the Council chamber, as the former SP President Helmut Hubacher has formulated. These boys have a different value system, are quite elitist, have little to do with work and life and realize that you are not over politicize the everyday life needs of the people.
This is worrying for the SP: you see the party in the same Trend as their European sister parties?
Yes, quite. This is a painful self-reflection, you need to ask now. The Trend is away from the social question, which pains me extremely. This of course has to do with the economy. Most of the SP was always going to the economic crises, in the mid-70s, for example, or the mid-90s. Today the social democracy pays but because of the migration problem is clearly the highest political price.
If the Trend goes the way of the social question is at the heart of the SP in the game.
Our social-democratic point of view, the social question must not be up for debate. Of course, for migrants, minorities, homosexuals, gender justice must use the SP also for liberal social values, and increasingly also for environmental reforms. But the unique feature that justifies the existence of social democracy, and the traditional socio-political core issues: wages, pensions, jobs, Housing, vocational training, and profession careers of women and men.
“has Perhaps lost the SP, thanks to their achievements for the welfare state, its historical significance in part.”Rudolf Strahm
These are in demand in the boom less. Switzerland is too good for the SP?
at The Moment, seem to be night ateriali values of the educated middle-class is actually more attractive. Perhaps it is also the case that the SP has just lost, thanks to their achievements for the welfare state, its historical significance in part.
This is now very bleak.
There are still a cause for differentiation and hope. In towns and cities, the SP for years, if not decades, very stable, dominant. She takes care of day-care centres, day structures, public transport, quality of life in Neighbourhoods – it’s all very practical, day-to-day issues that concern the middle class. At the national level, by contrast, has a government in a minority position. This leads changer to the two major currents within the Swiss party: on the one hand, the pragmatists, the life Deals with the Civic close, and the concordance is considered a “Customizer”; and on the other those who want to break out and with ideologically draw critique of the system and often vulgar Marxist slogans to operate the “System”.
so What to do?
The most Important thing is: It takes the party a strong center, to balance the wing. This is also the case, but in the past few years, the journalist has been missing in the German part of Switzerland, a contact person, a prominent leadership figure. The whimsical even gave runners and even performers a much larger stage. An evaluation of the “Arena” showed that Cédric Wermuth and Tamara Funiciello received the most appearances for the SP. Because something is out of Balance.
this Means that the SP should not swing to the left?
The motion-oriented and the young socialists, you should have your free space – but at the same time stronger for the overall integration objectives.
“We currently have in the German part of Switzerland, this leadership vacuum.”Rudolf Strahm
Whom do you see as the new President or President?
I guard myself, as to give Veteran advice. It testifies to a lack of style, if now even the government of old invoices for councillors to pay. I can say this much: Of the women, currently referred to in the press as a favorite of the interior for the Bureau, is of the essence because of your past achievements no on – currently. Perhaps the most Suitable not to venture out because you are too modest. In the case of Nadine, mass Hardt, for example, …
… which has already been cancelled …
… would be quite potential. What is certain is that It needs to be a Swiss German Person, because we currently have in the German part of Switzerland, this leadership vacuum. So, to be clear: This is not meant as a criticism against the Welschen.
Call you names?
I can see two people, which I support, regardless of their political positioning – originality, creativity, and leadership potential. Both have a radiant power on the SP-root electorate, namely the Zurich national councillor Jacqueline Badran and also the Aargauer national Council Cédric Wermuth. Together, these two would cover within the SP, there is a broad political and age moderate range.
you argue for a Co-presidency Badran-Wermuth?
This could be a possibility. The Bureau is Yes, there are certainly several persons, whether in a Co-presidency, is secondary. What seems important to me only, that a Person is a member of the steering Committee, can the boys draw Wild embed. The can is easier from the left.
So, someone like wormwood. And as a corrective to someone from the social-liberal Jositsch-wing?
Not necessarily. The so-called Jositsch-wing has not been concluded, to present their own ideas – for example, to Migration, to social insurance or wage protection. For a leading function of the wing currently offers simply too little substance, and prospects. In addition, Daniel Jositsch in the party and the group has no house. He has been absorbed in the Council of States elections many civil voices and celebrated as a personal success. Its cantonal party took advantage of the but nothing, she has suffered in the elections hard.
Created: 15.11.2019, 21:07 PM