The German social Democrats have begun their much-anticipated Congress. The approximately 600 delegates will choose this Friday in Berlin, a new party leadership and the course of the SPD in the coalition government with the Christian Democrats determine.
The outgoing party boss, Malu Dreyer, was recruited for the opening of the party rally to show Unity. At the same time, she stressed the successes of the SPD in the Grand coalition. She was “mighty proud”. Especially the Vice-Chancellor and Finance Minister, Olaf Scholz, was for the success of the SPD responsible.
Scholz was the members decision to the SPD chair with his partner Klara Geywitz the Grand coalition critics Saskia esque and Norbert Walter-Borjans, under. The left of the Bundestag, and the former North Rhine-Westphalian Minister of Finance should have been elected on Friday officially to new party leaders.
A slogan of the Board is concerned with the future preparation of the SPD in the Grand coalition. A party of heavily-discussed exit from the Grand coalition is not recommended. Instead, receivables are set up, what the SPD is in the future compared to the CDU/CSU. The opponents of the Alliance but want to reach a vote on an end to the coalition.
in the election of the Deputy party Chairman it might be a duel between critics and supporters of the Grand coalition give. The chief of the young socialists, Kevin Kühnert, and the Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil, want to compete in the battle for the third Deputy post against each other.
so Far a reduction in the Deputy post from six to three, is planned. The Congress could also decide to four alternates. (sda)
Created: 06.12.2019, 11:40 PM