“Spelreklam may be prohibited under the tv-matches”

“In Denmark there are voices to stop spelreklam during the televised matches. An interesting proposal, think civilminister Ardalan Shekarabi. And soon Sweden can take after.”

“I do not want to rule it out,” he says.”

“Fredrik Trygg, 30, is on the way out of the gambling addiction that has kept him imprisoned for over ten years. At the same time he can not stay in the society but to remind them daily of what for him has become a drug.”

“Spelreklam are on tv, at the bus stop, on the phone.”

“– It’s like that everywhere show spritreklam for an alcoholic. It is clear that it increases the risk of falling back into it, ” he says.”

“In Denmark, it may now be a change. Where to Svenska spel’s Danish counterpart, Danske spil, prohibit all spelreklam in connection with the live matches on tv. A similar ban already exists in the Uk and the new proposal is being applauded by several Danish political parties.”

“Civilminister Ardalan Shekarabi (S) points out that a ban on spelreklam during tv matches can be the case also in Sweden.”

” I do not want to exclude it. People are tired of the extremely aggressive marketing, the unrestrained advertising. Companies have a huge responsibility and must be sure to live up to the requirements of the law and the intentions of, say, Shekarabi.”

“A big part of Frederick’s dependency has been just gambling on the matches. He tells me that he could bet thousands of dollars on the outcome, and then add in equal amounts on instant games during the match.”

“Seen over a period of ten years, he appreciates that he has gambled away over a million.”

“– It didn’t matter if I won or lost, I continued anyway. And the advertising always shows the odds for different games. Obviously, you triggered it.”

“He welcomes the Danish proposal and would like to see a similar solution in Sweden.”

“– It would be a good start, even if it’s not enough. It would have to be done so extremely much more as well. In the best of worlds it would be banned completely.”

“In Sweden are since the turn of the requirement that bookmakers should be licensed, and marketing, among other things, should be moderate.”

“Civilministern has been a driving force in the design of the new spellagen, which among other things allows people to close themselves from online gaming sites and targeted spelreklam. After only a few weeks had over 15 000 people blocked themselves from all gaming activities.”

“– gambling addiction is a public health problem, which is the effect of an unregulated gaming market in decades. It’s inexplicable that one of the most risky markets have been unregulated for so long, ” says Shekarabi.”

“Several media outlets have, however, been able to report on the lack of features and that several gaming companies from slipping through the locks.”

“Spellagen has also been criticized for being unclear. Neither the bookmakers or the national Consumer agency say they know where the boundary for the moderate marketing goes, and also considered the requirements to be too low.”

“– We’ll start here and then we’ll see where the limits of moderation set. We do not exclude that it will require further tightening, if it proves necessary, ” says civilministern.”

“In a survey that the Swedish quality index scored just before the end of the year, it emerged that the gaming industry for the second year in a row, got very low score in terms of customer satisfaction, trust and reputation.”

“Spelreklamen considered to cause a large part of the dissatisfaction. The most common words that the participation of people chose to describe the gaming industry with:

“the Survey was conducted in the form of a web-based collection of 1 300 persons from a demographically representative sample responded to.”

“the Measurement was made before the new legislation came into force.”

“Source: game industry association (Or)”

“There are several organisations and authorities that offer the gambling people help to get out of the abuse. Fredrik Trygg has been spelfri in half a year ago he applied to the organization Spelfriheten.”

“As a part of the öppenvårdsbehandlingen he has gone through a trestegsprogram consisting inter alia of therapeutic group activities and självhjälpsmöten.”

“the Organization has a hotline, where both the gambling and the relatives of the gambling problem can call around the clock to talk with former compulsive gambler who has found a way to live without games. The number is 08-37 43 00.”