Only the muffled steps of the soldiers of the halls in the Morning by the Church. The two men in combat suits to wear chunky boots, all the other seats on the newly-made benches, and in silence pray, are barefoot.

the men of The sri Lankan air force patrol in the fixed house of God. The front of the Altar you stand, look at the figure standing on a pedestal. It is Jesus, in a white gown. He looks into the sky. The Statue is riddled by shrapnel, on the body’s blood yet. The priests have decided to leave, as after the Explosion on 21. April was found (click here to read more about the bombings in April).

St. Sebastian in Negombo, 200 days after the fact: The patrol is looking alternately at Jesus and then back to the visitors. Each of them was out already checked. Through the second door on the left of the assassin, a man with a baseball cap and backpack came back. Outside, he had patted one girls head, such as security cameras showed. A little later he blew himself up in the air. In the meantime, everything is repaired or replaced: roof, walls, Windows made of colored glass. For three months the soldiers as construction workers were in use.

strategy reminiscent of modes

The Terror of Easter 259 deaths, the Islamists have attacked churches and Hotels, requested, alone, in St. Sebastian, killed 115 people. Security apparatus and government had failed all along the line, there was in the days before concrete warnings, but nobody took them seriously.

From the Terror, but also of state failure has not recovered in Sri Lanka yet. The actions have stoked fear sown and mistrust between the religious groups in the country, the majority of which is populated by Buddhists. To feel a wide yearning for the strong man is now everywhere. Many want to see a politician at their head, he’s no good as a guard; one who protects you, when it comes down to it.

In times of uncertainty, citizens are now at 16. November called to choose their President in new. And there is a man, this climate gives a special boost: Gotabaya Rajapaksa. The 70-Year-old belongs to the richest political family in the country and was once the Minister of defense. More: Gotabaya has obtained, under the presidency of his brother Mahinda in 2009, the tough civil war against the separatist Tamil Tigers. So it’s not hard to recommend, at least, the Sinhalese majority as a protector. Well possible that this will be enough for the victory. to experience

in order To Rajapaksa in the election campaign, from Negombo up to the mountains after three hours, a big Buddha statue out of the woods lit up, and surrounded by prayer. From here it is not far to Kandy, one of the most sacred places for the majority people of Sinhalese. “Rajapaksa has tailored its election campaign on the mobilisation of the Sinhalese majority,” says political analyst Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu from the Centre for Policy Alternatives. There are Parallels to the strategy Narendra Modis in India, which has courted as a Hindu Nationalist, successfully the religious majority in his country, the minorities but alienated.

Later in the afternoon in the town of Gelioya: It flashes, rumbles and crashes. Smoke is rising. A small Boy clings to the leg of his father, but the appeased. It’s not a bomb, but fireworks for the candidate. Those who expected a fiery speech from Rajapaksa, will be disappointed. This man is not charismatic like his brother Mahinda. Gotabaya acts sober, he has no rousing voice, he also makes jokes to keep people entertained.

This man varies only a double message: “trust me, I’m going to create security in the country, to bring forward.” All have witnessed how the current government have failed. Since the victory against the Tamil rebels, the brothers Mahinda and Gotabaya apply in the Sinhalese majority as a national hero, Tamils, however, you will encounter with great suspicion.

Despite the heroic myth of the Rajapaksa Clan have lost in the options in 2015, his Power, allegations of corruption had come to light, and many had the nepotism tired of the Rajapaksas is pushed to the top. There was hope that a new government could move forward in the fight against the crony economy. But President Maithripala Sirisena, who defeated Rajapaksa, has disappointed. Instead of reforms, he delivered fighting power with the Premier. And then the Islamist attacks, which presented the state as powerless came.

brother Comeback

plays of the Rajapaksa Clan in the hands. Mahinda, who was from 2005 to 2015 President, is not allowed to occupy the highest office under the Constitution, once again. But if his brother wins the race, could pave the Mahinda the way to be after the parliamentary elections in the spring of Prime. Then, the Rajapaksas were back in double strength.

As of the Clan ruled, he built a business Empire and established autocratic conditions, the removed further and further from the rule of law. Political opponents and journalists lived dangerously. Many were persecuted, some murdered, and the crime remained unpunished. The Rajapaksas assure you, you would have to do with human rights violations, nothing.

Only one of them can jeopardise the return of the Clans yet: Sajith Premadasa. As the son of a President who was murdered by a suicide bomber from a Tamil, you can enjoy the 52-Year-old wide respect. He leads a committed election campaign, although he has much less money than his opponent. He scores under moderate forces of the Sinhala majority, enjoys sympathies among the poor, and can count on the fact that the Tamil voices of minority, and many of the Muslims for him. Whether that’s enough for Premadasa? Reliable forecasts are missing, the race in Colombo, is regarded among analysts as an almost.

In the West and in India, the idea provokes discomfort to a return of Rajapaksas. Mahinda was the President, the doors to China, Beijing came up with a billion and bought himself a great influence. Sri Lanka is struggling today in order to repay its debts. However, no one knows how Premadasa geopolitically wants to position. In a question and answer session was not to convince him, where he located his Land in the field of force between Beijing, Delhi and Washington.

Created: 14.11.2019, 18:31 PM