The architect Santiago Calatrava and his office have been required prior to the Federal administrative court the cancellation of the project competition for the extension of the railway station Stadelhofen in Zurich. The court granted the appeal has no suspensive effect. In the thing itself, it has to decide.

projects for the Expansion of the railway station Stadelhofen in accordance with the requirements of the tender the SBB would have “inevitably disfiguring character and would violate the non-transferable and inalienable moral rights” of Calatrava. This is the architect and his office to criticize in their complaints to the Federal administrative court.

today, Wednesday published an interim decision, the Federal administrative court dismissed the request for suspensive effect. SBB wrote at the end of October 2018 for the construction of a fourth track and the expansion of retail space in the station Stadelhofen for a project competition. Calatrava had implemented the first expansion of the station between 1984 and 1990.

Calatrava wants to preserve according to the decision made will be copyrighted building. He also wants to preserve the possibility of the project competition.

Previous extension study

The SBB had Calatrava’s earlier study for the station expansion, which he presented in September 2016. Because of this Vorbefasstheit the architect is afraid that he might get eliminated from the competition. This is clear from the interim decision.

The Federal administrative court in this respect, however, is not a Problem, because the study and the current competition requirements are completely different. So, for example, according to SBB-invitation to tender, provided that the fourth Track will built about 35 meters into the mountain moved. Calatrava had planned this Track, however, directly behind the existing platform 3 on the level of the underground shopping arcade.

The jury will be 28 in accordance with the schedule to on. February a maximum of eight providers submitted participation applications select. These can then participate in the project competition.

(interim decision B-6588/2018 from 04.02.2019) (sda)

Created: 13.02.2019, 12:00 PM