What are the most popular Videos from the German Youtube users? Which Tweet was the world liked the most? The reveal of the year charts, the published Youtube and Twitter on Wednesday. The most popular Non-produced music Video this year, with 6.6 million Calls Bibi Classen of Bibis Beauty Palace. The most successful music video has been viewed 60 million Times and comes from the Frankfurter Rapper Olexesh. Also in the short message service Twitter is a musical contribution won: In a short Clip a member of the South Korean dance-African Band BTS on the road – he was nearly 1.7 million Times liked.

place two of the most successful Twitter posts follows the earlier US President Barack Obama with a Tweet in which he supports the #MarchForOurLives movement. The mass protests by mainly young people against gun violence are a response to the school massacre in the USA. The third most popular post of the year, a touching dog video.
of The previously most popular post overall is still an Anti-racism appeal of Obama. The entry from August 2017, with a quote from former South African President Nelson Mandela, who died this year, more than 4.5 million Likes.

The most popular posts of Tweets from Germany were not evaluated, a number of other categories. The most frequently used Hashtags from the message are Maaßen in this country #WM2018 before #hambach forest and #.

The most frequently cited German Twitter User Norman alias @your therapist. The 25-Year-old had made a Search of Tweets that he published on Christmas day in 2017, at the beginning of this year, his homeless father. On the places two and three follow Moderator Jan böhmermann and Cartoonist Ralph Ruthe.

In the case of Youtube, the Top Ten are dominated clearly by the German Hip-Hop. The Berlin-based Rapper Capital Bra is found five Times in the list of the ten most-watched Videos.

The front-runner in the music video, Olexesh, is thrilled that 60 million people in Germany, feat his Clip “Magic. Edin“ on Youtube have seen. “This is crazy, the Song is really everywhere,” said the 30-Year-old. He may see himself more as a street rapper, and I don’t want to do the Song originally. Convinced him but also the filming location in Hong Kong. “So far away, I’m never been there Sultanbet before.”

was Also popular this year is a sports-Clip for the football world Cup match Germany-Sweden (2:1) with the Winning goal from Toni Kroos.

And what days mirror content have been interested in the Youtube and Twitter users this year? Not quite as many clicks as for Bibi Claßen and Olexesh not come together here, but in the daily mirror statistics, there are quite own Hits. In the case of Twitter, the user was interested in a Tweet to the Zirkeltag the most. On 5. Way was February, the Berlin wall, just as long as she was there before. To fit this occasion the Tweet: “10.316 days with and without a wall”. He was considered to be 584.147 Time and 2073 Times, liked on Facebook.

When YouTube was interested in a daily mirror Video of a Kurdish demonstration in Berlin most of the users. Around 500 people demonstrated in front of the Turkish Embassy against the attack on the Northern Syrian Afrin.

Between the protesters bottles flew. The recording was considered to be 30.925 Time. (with dpa)