The technical staff of several hospitals in the Capital Region have requested the work.

The overenskomststridige the stoppage takes place in protest at the Center for Properties in 2019 and 2020, saving 15 million dollars. The savings to be achieved by a number of people, where 25-30 full time equivalents to be cut off.

Center for real estate stands for operation and maintenance of the physical environment in the Capital Region – including the region’s hospitals.

the Strike hits a number of the region’s hospitals, but according to a informationsmail, which is sent to its regional council members, and Ekstra Bladet have seen, is a krisebedredskab in the Center of the Properties entered into force.

‘It means that the critical infrastructure and the supply is maintained, and that patientkritiske areas are not affected,’ says among other things in the letter.

yesterday told a staff member in the Center for Properties to Ekstra Bladet, that the notice of fyringsrunden has had a great impact on the working environment.

People are scared, which is given expression in the fact that people are starting to poke each other in order to survive, said the staff, which for the sake of the situation want to be anonymous.

the Capital Region, stressed yesterday to Ekstra Bladet, that the cuts will not be felt by the hospitalspatienterne in the region.

’the Reductions may have implications for the solution of some tasks that are not critical for hospitalsdriften. It can for example mean, that in relation to the non-critical repairs will be a longer time for the announcement, but the Center for real estate will organise the tasks, so the genes are at least possible,’ reads it in an email.

According to Ekstra information do the employees lose the job, message on Tuesday 2. april.

the Following hospitals affected by the strike

– Amager Hospital

– Gentofte Hospital

– Herlev Hospital

– Hvidovre Hospital

– Rigshospitalet – both on Blegdamsvej in Copenhagen and Glostrup