“Strong support for mandatory vaccination,”

“A clear majority of respondents, the swedes are in favour of a compulsory vaccination programme for children, according to a large study.”

“– It is a very clear result, ” says researcher Björn Rönnerstrand.”

“In, inter alia, the united states has vaccinationsmotståndet been a hot issue in recent years. In Sweden the confidence of the vaccines thus far, however, strong.”

“But it can be even better, like many.”

“According to the latest survey from Gothenburg university is a majority to make the general vaccination programme for children is mandatory.”

“We have a situation in Europe, where we see a falling coverage rate for the vaccine against measles,” says Björn Rönnerstrand, a researcher at That institute.”

“– And in light of the ongoing discussion on the vaccinkritiska message on social media, it is interesting that still, three-quarters say they are for a mandatory barnvaccinationsprogram.”

“As the institute has for over 30 years made annual surveys on what the swedes think of different questions. But it is the first time that a question on the swedes ‘ views on mandatory barnvaccination been with.”

“The general vaccination programme in Sweden works, otherwise very good today.”

“Bear Rönnerstrand takes kombinationsvaccinet the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) as an example. According to Folkhälsomyndighetens statistics 2015 around 97 per cent of all two-year-olds in Sweden have received the vaccine.”

“– It is an important benchmark, we want to get over 95% when it comes to measles, ” he says.”

“– So it looks good. But looking in more detail to get a less bright picture. 20 municipalities do not reach up to the target of 95% MMR vaccination.”

“According to the survey think now 74 per cent to a mandatory vaccination programme for children is a very or fairly good proposal. 19 per cent think it is neither good nor bad, while only seven percent respond that the proposal is fairly or very bad.”

“To read a morning paper regularly seems to make a mandatory program a little more appealing. Those who trust more on health care and medical staff are also more positive.”

“A big difference exists also when looking at the age. The Swedish 65-85-year-olds are significantly more supportive of mandatory vaccination.”

“Perhaps, think Bear Rönnerstrand, there is a link to the vaccination against smallpox was compulsory until 1976.”

“– this group has probably itself been vaccinated against smallpox and, perhaps, in many cases, also had children who had been vaccinated against smallpox, ” he says.”

“the Vaccines in the public vaccination programme offered to all children within the framework of the services and the school.”

“the Vaccines gives all children protection against nine diseases. For girls also includes the vaccine against HPV (human papilloma virus).”

“Diseases are: polio, diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, infections caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b, measles, mumps, rubella and serious diseases caused by pneumococci.”

“Recently took Blekinge as the first region, a decision that even the boys in the region will be offered the HPV vaccine.”

“Folkhälsomyndigheten investigating right now also, if the authority shall recommend that the vaccine against chicken pox should be included in the general vaccination programme. Previously, the authority has recommended that the vaccine against rotavirus should be included in the program.”

“Source: Folkhälsomyndigheten.”

“The national survey has been held every year since 1986. Behind the investigation is the som-institute (Society, opinion, media) at the university of Gothenburg.”

“the Results as now presented is based on questionnaires sent out and answered during the autumn of 2018 (the end of september to end of december).”

“the Survey was sent out to 21 000 randomly selected people aged between 16 and 85. Most have responded via pappersenkäten, but some have responded via the web.”

“As to the survey of 2018 had a response rate of 53 per cent, including people who have died has been removed. It is considered to be a relatively high response rate for such an extensive study.”

“Source: university of Gothenburg.”