“Sweden needs ten thousand snedsparkande 55-year-olds”

“Almost every other british girl pulls down its sportsmen during puberty. This concerns the country’s minister of Mims Davies, who, after reading the new study promises to dramatically reduce the dropout rate.”

“In Sweden, it sounds the same. 80 per cent of all children are attracted to their local association and stops at adolescence when the graph line drops to bottom.”

“I always played sports is the wrong person to speak, but allow me anyway to test a thought. “

“Is not the trend reasonable?”

“If we are to choose a period in a person’s life, when she can pause from his handball or sailing, whichever is the probably around the high school. It is already laborious to study and map out a livsriktning, apply for a summer job and new friends, making out and tjuvröka, cultivate self-confidence and body hair, develop a crooked posture and obnoxious taste in music – we’ll lassa on three simträningar in the week also?”

“Best would be that all of them had regular physical activity. Second best would be not to reduce the exclusion of young people, but to lower the threshold for adult beginners.”

“How many femtiplussare do you know who just started with basketball? Do you know any 30-year-old novice in the high jump?”

“I do not mean in any cute way, not that ”around the Country” to get a inspiring element, but on the fullest and heaviest gravity. Which has real access to our sport? “

“My wife Anna was so small when she played football she perceived it as a rule that the slopes did not violate the center line. Two decades later, she is on the zero but had to släntrat down to a football field and instructed in the section and vristskott. My friend Tove says the same thing, well aware that it is the woman, that she is consigned to the jogging tracks and a gym. They can’t call up to twelve friends at the same klåparnivå. They know no club that receives them.”

“To clubs and associations for all is easy to say for those who are already included, for those who thrived on the skolgympan. In practice, you must have used the branch as a child of owning the access to it as an adult. It is appalling, but the protests fail to materialise because the masses do not organize themselves and require plantider and membership. How would they? They both are rated, and rate themselves as uninterested in the sport, as if it were a chronic condition, a cavity in the cerebral cortex.”

“There are attempts being made to organize gåfotboll and spontanorientering. Grants are available to search. But what I want is not only moved resources, but a total change of attitude. “

“In the park outside the me rigged on a summer a scene where instructors teach zumba on Thursdays. It is free, no one will notice if you arrive late or depart early. The goal does not seem to be to ensnare new customers to betalklasser, but to enable the people there and then. Some stops on the way home from the store and takes a few steps in their jeans.”

“There are no real obstacles to baseball or frisbee would be exercised in the same way. Breddsport need not primarily be education and talent development, it can just as easily be a umgängesform, a folkhälsofrämjande and svinrolig such.”

“No, it had not produced any national team players. But is it necessary? I have to choose between two good things do not need Sweden a new Lotta Schelin, but ten thousand snedsparkande 55-year-olds.”

“the 2015 adopted – a strategy for lifelong sportsmen. So far, 52 projects received financial support for vuxenverksamhet around the country. We can push up this figure to 100 before the end of the year?”