In the night from Friday to Saturday, a young Mercedes have supplied the driver’s and civilian police officers on a chase. The driver was uninjured and was taken into custody. The officials had measured the 22-Year-old with a clearly excessive speed on the A100 in the direction of travel South. Instead of the prescribed 80 km/h, the officers observed a value of 156 km/h.
As you wanted to stop the car, joined the driver of the escape, and increased the speed. The 22-Year-old the highway trying to escape via the exit on the upper road, but to the right of the roadway and crashed into a traffic Light pole. When the driver wanted to unharmed to escape in the direction of the commander street, he was surprised by other officials.
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In the control of the officials could no drunkenness.and also, neither staff driver’s license could of the 22 cards-Year-olds also present. The officials took him away for further investigation in custody. Also, the vehicle was seized. The speeders Show due to a traffic hazard, accident escape, participate in a prohibited motor vehicle race as well as various significant speed, expected violations.