For about two years, a former leader of the Winterthur sitting At’Only mosque in custody. What is it the Federal government holds legal profession, it has with it. From a decision of the Federal criminal court in Bellinzona, cherish the Supreme terror fighter the urgent suspicion that it was A. M. to be a member of the terrorist organization Islamic state. The Kurdish Iraqis whose requests for Asylum have been rejected, have probably had a command function and “a variety of activities for the benefit of the IS to be perceived”. Are listed in the decision, including financing and recruitment in favour of the incitement to suicide attacks, planning of a terrorist attack and Propaganda.

The Federal Prosecutor’s office informs that the prohibition of a criminal case against A. M. to lead to a suspicion of breach of the IS-and because of support of or participation in a criminal organization. All of this remains unproven, and the presumption of innocence applies. The lawyer of the accused had a contact with you by this newspaper remain unanswered.

He suffered from alcohol problems

A. M. comes from the Northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk. In 1998, he came with his Iraqi wife as an asylum seeker in Switzerland, and was provisionally accepted. A well-Known tells that A. m., left his Kurdish name in Switzerland arabisieren, was originally alcohol problems. The family was housed in the Canton of Thurgau, where the wife later found a job and a B permit. A. M. remained in the Status of a provisionally admitted with an F-permit.

He was, for the most part the area of social assistance, worked only under duress and dropped by traffic offences and domestic violence against his wife. In the divorce proceedings before the Thurgau district court in November 2017, he had to be out of detention by the police demonstrated. A little unusual for Thurgauer conditions, a very large contingent of heavily armed police officers and an input control with a metal detector.

Relentlessly Proselytize

The Kurd prior to his arrest in a gloomy room of a Thurgauer asylum accommodation lived. It also includes countless German Translations of the Koran distribution action “were Read!” and other Salafist-graphic propaganda material. A. M. tried to practically every missionary he met at that time. When the police searched the room, she found disks, cameras, seven mobile phones and an iPod that was hidden in the fridge.

In Wil SG, he fell due to his radical stance and his sympathies for the IS and a house, it was therefore prohibition.

the criminal case drags on and secured evidence could not be evaluated, due to the fact that the mandatory lawyer of the accused requested the sealing of the seized mobile phones. This was then repealed only after a long time the highest judicial level. In order for the investigation came first. After an incident between A. m. and his public defender in a Bern prison, the Latter resigned. A new lawyer was then used at the beginning of 2018.

A. M. visited initially a mosque in Wil SG, where he stood out because of his radical stance and his sympathies for the IS and therefore a ban. After that, he became friends with people in the now-closed Winterthur’Only mosque. There he was, among other things, with the IS killed Iraqi Kurds Hajan D. known. This was prior to his journey into the Jihad, a regular visitor to the’Only mosque. In Interrogations A. M. stated that a total of seven died Of’Only mosque-goers in Syria. It is unclear whether this information is correct.

In the infamous Winterthur house of God and in the environment of the Iraqis is said to have radicalized a young man, according to investigators circles. A. M. tried to recruit the mentally ailing Winterthur for the IS. The convert threatened later, a Winterthur local politicians.

contact for Schaffhausen cell

In the Just-a-mosque, A. was M., sometimes, chanting. As the temporary Imam, he said, for example, the following supplication: “You are our Lord, so give us victory over the unbelievers (…) and humiliating the polytheists, destroy the enemies of the Religion and help you worship jihadis everywhere, o Lord of the worlds.” Contact A. M. at least two members of the so-called Schaffhausen IS-cell. Three of the four Iraqi refugees in this group were convicted in 2016 because of membership in the IS, or terrorist support to multi-year prison sentences.

What are the investigators concerned, in addition, was the fact that A. M. with a number of Chechens in the cantons of Thurgau and Aargau, as well as in Winterthur. With the Winterthur Chechens, he went at the beginning of 2017 to a money transfer service and had 314 dollars to his supposed second wife in Lebanon transfer. The Chechen carried out the Transfer, because A. was M. as a preliminary Recorded only $ 200 per month abroad. The then-28-year-old Syrian recipient of the money will be donated to A. M., to commit in Lebanon a suicide bombing. It was, however, arrested in time by the security forces.

money transfers by Chechens

The Winterthur Chechen, a supposed refugee from Russia, and has six children. His neighbors, he fell by his use of cannabis and because he beat his wife. This continued with the children to France. When the police raided the family’s apartment in Winterthur-Töss by, she found more than ten Russian passports. Thus, it was demonstrated that the Chechen traveled back to his country of origin, whereupon the asylum status was withdrawn. In addition, the Federal office of police decided that the man to be dangerous to the safety of Switzerland. It is the expulsion to Russia, which was then performed in also had.

was accused of The Chechen contact of A. M. in the Canton of Thurgau, he had transferred in at least three cases of money to people with Connections to the IS. When this newspaper interviewed the neighbors of the Chechens, gave them to the information that the family had traveled back to the end of 2017 from one day to the other to Russia. Against the man, an entry ban was imposed. The investigations by the Federal criminal investigation against A. M. run, in particular because of other suspected money transfers to middle men of the IS. If and when it comes to an indictment, is unclear.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 15.05.2019, 12:01 PM