When Margaret invites you to a celebration in repræsentationslokalerne at Christiansborg Castle, must all play.
Every nook afstøves, covered minutely with pragtstellet Flora Danica, and, of course, to the venetian chandeliers sparkle.
however, It is expensive for the queen’s landlord, the Slots and the Danish agency for culture, to ensure that everything is in finest order – also in terms of the chandeliers.
Some of the chandeliers in the repræsentationslokalerne at Christiansborg palace dates back to the 1600s. Photo: Jens Dyke
One access to the agency’s expenditure on maintenance of statsinventaret shows that last year spent 76.460 dollars to clean and repair chandeliers in repræsentationslokalerne at Christiansborg.
The peppery work is being taken quite seriously by the committee.
David Razga, who is senior consultant in the Slots and the Danish agency for culture, clear detail in an email to Ekstra Bladet, how to ensure the chandeliers:
’Chandeliers cleaned and maintained to lower the chandelier, then take the prisms and wash them’.
’at the same time, cleaned the frame, flawed metal sanding, necessary repairs of the lamp parts and omtrådning of the prisms is carried out’.
’At last mounted the prisms again and the chandelier is hoisted into place’, she writes.
Statsinventaret consists of old, but fine furniture, cutlery and other articles which are owned by the state and is being used by Urs and co.
Ekstra public access to agency expenditure to statsinventaret also shows that the total cost of the maintenance to kiss a million bucks.
Here is all of the cost
Tapetsererarbejder: 88.588 kr.
Konserveringsarbejder of fixtures: 82.742 kr.
Møbelistandsættelser and restorations: 200.392 kr.
Repair and clean of the chandeliers, the royal Palace: 76.460 kr.
Transport/flyttearbejder: 79.742 kr.
Repair and maintenance of watches: 15.835 kr.
the Registration of statsinventar: and 173,000 dkk.
the Registration of the selling and buying: 72.119 kr.
Photography, and the marking of the older glass and porcelain: 94.174 kr.
the Addition of the Royal Silver stemware: 25.050 kr.
Other costs: 3210 kr.
total: 911.312 kr.
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exactly, you had the expenses for the 911.312, which in addition to the clean of the chandeliers went to the maintenance of watches and photography, and the marking of the older glass and porcelain.