The Canton of Zurich has, since the recent elections, it is not only a green building Director and a majority in Parliament that calls for the climate emergency: away from the political stage has done in the last two months, Amazing. The latest Figures from the Zurich airport. This spread otherwise month-to-month reliably the same message: “The number of passengers rose.”

That was in March and April, although at first glance no different. This circumstance, however, is indebted to those, around 30 percent of passengers, Zurich is the only as a transfer from the airport to use and the local climate debate without prejudice is likely to be. Differently it looks, if you look at the local passengers, from and to Zurich flew: their number has stagnated in March compared to the same month in the previous year, and in April and over 11’000 people. Negative Numbers in the last two years in any single month. On average, the growth amounted to about 5 percent.

Four of the five lowest rates of growth in local passengers since the beginning of 2017 fell in the first four months of the year 2019. In that time, so, in the climate issue began with the visit of Greta at the WEF in Davos and the student strikes in this country travel. A time when, in many cases it was noted that, in principle, all climate protection efforts are in vain, if it then rises in a plane, because a single vacation flight causes as much CO2 as an entire year of driving a car.

More than an anomaly?

a month Ago, a spokeswoman for the airport, there have been an explicable statistical anomaly. An effect of the climate debate in the passenger numbers was not observed. For the Stagnation in March, there were other reasons: firstly, a part of the busy Easter weekend fell in year-on-year in March, thereby distorting the comparison with this year. Secondly, it was converted in the previous year a week earlier on the summer schedule, which also brings in more passengers.

After this statement, the April would have had to stand out in 2019, however, by particularly strong Numbers. Now the opposite is the case – and that, although over the Easter weekend, significantly more local passengers in an aircraft than in the previous year. According to airport spokeswoman Sonja Zöchling about 233’000 there were this time compared to just 206’000 in 2018. A growth was more than offset by those who wegblieben while the Rest of the month.

these are conflicting signals. Whether the Whole thing has something to do with the climate debate, don’t know you at the airport. Because the reasons of those passengers who do not come, do not collect. Zöchling offers as an alternative explanation, that the particularly strong growth in the last two years, as the offers were extended, of course, a result of a consolidation phase. In addition, those months in which the most flown July will are in to October. Then you know more. The airport is expected for the year 2019 to continue with passenger growth of 3 percent.


Created: 14.05.2019, 12:10 PM