in the recent HBO movie ”Brexit.The uncivil war,” may the eccentric spinndoktorn Dominic Cummings (Dominic Cumberbatchs gestalt) a revelation when he’s in bed reading a book on parenting.

the campaign’s manager for ”Vote ” Leave” in the past figured out a slogan: ”Take control!”, take the control. Now he realizes that it is not what the future Brexit-the majority want. They dream of something different, but nearly identical: “Take back control”.

It is “take back, take back, is the key. It is this collective desire to push the Uk out of the EU. It is on this hope that the entire campaign should be built.”Take back control! Take back the control.

it’s all about, ” says Cummings, the feeling of having been deprived of something they once owned: the power over their own life, optimism, confidence, belonging. It is a feeling that are easily converted into anger, frustration and fantasies of how the lost should be able to be recaptured.

Take back control! And how was it? On Tuesday night voted in favour of the uk parliament it down utträdesavtal Theresa May and the EU with great effort negotiated for two years. The voting figures were devastating, parodying 432 against and 202.

left except the long-suffering, almost unlikely rugged, the prime minister hopes that the EU will have mercy on her and the Uk and trying to find some magic formula that makes it possible for the country to leave the union in civilized forms.

Take back control! Instead, chaos, humiliation, and political capital destruction. The 432 members who voted no are in agreement about one thing: no to the agreement. In addition to this, passionately and often uncompromising completely different and diametrically opposite things. Hard Brexit, no Brexit at all, election, referendum…..and one and another would certainly not have anything against to reinstate the army of Bonnie Prince charlie’s descendants on the throne.

instead of being a constructive force in the EU waste united kingdom waste its energy on advanced self-harming behaviour.

in many ways, wonderful. No red, yellow or green voteringsknappar here. Instead, an unruly flock of parliamentarians who yells ”aye!” and ”no!” and vote to traipse in and out of the room. “Britons never, never, never shall be slaves” and so on.

But “Britannia rule the waves”? A the Uk as the sovereign master of the waves and the winds? Not right now Right now will you rather to think of ‘The Ship of fools’, fool’s ship relentlessly drifting towards the rocks and the downfall, while the crew are quarrelling about the course and about who should have the command on the bridge.

pictures from the demonstrations for and against Brexit flickering past on Tuesday, there was a movie, that it hurt to see. The british, who burned the EU flag. The European union is so far the most successful attempt to create a political framework to guarantee peace, freedom and prosperity in Europe. The uk, democracy, liberalism, and the (eccentric), the source of social evolution of the european fatherland belongs of course at home there. We need the british, we need them, certainly not at least now, when nynationalismen erode the union from within.

But instead of being a constructive force in the EU waste united kingdom waste its energy on advanced self-harming behaviour. A tragedy. The british will be poorer without the EU. The EU will be poorer without the british.

life’s most euphoric political event is the fall of the berlin wall, so is the bleakest Brexit, the terrible summer 2016 when I’m stranded in a hotel room in Gothenburg, with the tv turned on was forced to realize that there actually is no idea so foolish, destructive and unlikely that it is not, sooner or later, can be realized.

Theresa May saw the events after the vote. But she promised to be hard on. She is the incarnated ”good girl” who always does his duty, and therefore will be ridiculed. She should, instead, despite all honored for their willingness and energy to be in spite of everything trying to make what she considers to be the best of a hopeless situation.

the water-combed Eton-boy David Cameron, who started all of this misery and then the carefree humming turned the mess back, it should, however, be a special place reserved in the history skamvrå.