the pressure of The left green city parties great. They demanded from their members of the government, that they reject the planned rose garden tunnel. In vain. Today is Wednesday, the city Council has reaffirmed its previous position to a 1.1-billion-franc project. For the vote of 9. In February, he recommends a “Yes”.
It is a Yes with a big But. In the notice, the city Council stresses that he pros and cons had to weigh in. Actively in the election campaign does not want to participate in the city government.
houses have to the tunnel portal soft
As the benefits of the project, the city Council announced that Zurich is to receive two major tram lines, and the headquarters of the “excessive noise” will be exempt. It is important to the city Council that the traffic quantity will not exceed the current level of 56’000 cars per day after the construction of the tunnel. So far, an official guarantee by the Canton for such a Limit is missing, however.
As a disadvantage, the city Council announced that the construction work Wipkingen be a burden, and several residential houses must yield to the tunnel portals. “In addition, the Tunnel despite high investment costs, apart from the Expansion of public transport, receive the future more traffic – no values, not to mention added value for the achievement of the climate objectives, since the amount of motorized individual transport is declining”, it says in the message.
SP, Green, GLP and AL fight the traffic project. Recently, the cantonal CVP-delegates have said no. Behind the SVP, FDP and EPP are. (bat)
Created: 13.11.2019, 13:08 PM