“The concern in krogbranschen the face of new smoking bans”

“Soon it will be slutfimpat on the terraces.”

“Restaurateurs are worried that the new regulations will involve an increased workload.”

“Our assessment is that the amendment involves an issue that you had escaped,” says the trade association Visitas general counsel Stefan Lundin.”

“On 1 July this year, it will be prohibited to smoke in several public places, including outdoor cafes, playgrounds and at many entrances.”

“Among the nation’s restaurateurs, there is concern that they should be forced to spend a lot of time and energy to make sure that guests comply with the new rules, according to Stefan Lundin.”

“– When the ban on smoking indoors in restaurants was introduced in 2005, it went very well. One of the reasons for it was that they could refer those who wanted to smoke to the outside terrace. Now lost that opportunity and we get a lot of questions from the restaurants on how it should be handled in practice, ” he says.”

“the Conversion is done over a night, in the middle of the summer season. It is the restaurants ‘ responsibility to put up signs that inform about the new rules and to deal with guests that violate these.”

“– It means a greater burden for businesses, which rather is in need of simplification, ” says Stefan Lundin.”

“One of the purposes of the new rules is that public places should be accessible for all, particularly for children and people with allergies. Another purpose is to smoke will be less visible.”

“Similar rules have been introduced in many places around the world. In Sydney in Australia is the North Sydney completely smoke-free, and also in other places in femmiljonersstaden is a ban on smoking in most outdoor cafes and at byggnadsentréer.”

“the Decline among young people”

“– In other countries that have introduced this type of ban has smoking gone down. Smoking avnormaliseras when you can no longer see the smoker out in the community, ” says Josefin P Jonsson, head of the Folkhälsomyndighetens device for tobaksprevention.”

“According to the authority has previously rökskärpningar in Sweden had a positive effect.”

“– Then the introduction of an age limit to buy tobacco around the turn of the millennium has seen a clear decline in the tobaksanvändandet among young people, because the availability was limited, ” says Josefin P Jonsson.”

“the Industry’s concerns before the ban introduced in 2005 came true, never,” she continues.”

“– Before regulation, it was loud protests, and was worried that it would have a negative impact on the restaurant industry. But studies show that the ban had a positive effect. The working environment improved significantly and there has not been any decline in the number of visitors to restaurants and cafes.”

“From 1 July, it will be prohibited to smoke in many public places, including outdoor cafes, at the entrances to public facilities, stadiums, playgrounds, tågperronger and bus stations.”

“It is restaurangföretagen who has the responsibility to ensure that the ban on outdoor cafes are followed.”

“the Companies are obliged to inform about the ban with the signs. If someone smokes on the outdoor terrace to the restaurant’s staff ask the person to leave the outdoor terrace or stub out the cigarette. If the person continues to smoke to the police or security guard be called in.”

“If a restaurant does not comply with the new rules, the municipality may issue an injunction against the restaurant. In utmost cases, the municipality may disconnect a penalty for the order.”