More than 100 film adaptations of her books found on Sunday, millions of viewers: Rosamunde Pilcher is the epitome of love stories. Now, the author, died at 94 years of age.
most of The time of your life, Rosamunde Pilcher has spent in Scotland. Famous but it was with books, play in Cornwall – their home, where she was born in 1924. This landscape, the sea, the whole atmosphere had probably a greater impact on your life than anything else, she said once, looking back.
your literary career Pilcher began as a teenager with short stories in women’s magazines. When she finally got even money for that, she knew: This is me, so I can stand on my own two feet, make some money – not a matter of course in post-war England.
In the year 1987 Pilchers book “The shell seekers” for months on the best seller list the New York Times.
breakthrough until 63 years
Four children Rosamunde Pilcher moved large, two boys and two girls. Her breakthrough as a writer she only reached when she was already 63: the novel “The shell seekers”, the state in 1987, spending months on the Bestseller list of the New York Times. In Germany, the Name is Rosamunde Pilcher is the epitome of shallow entertainment. A Problem the author had never:
“Yes, in my books, a certain amount of escapism is an escape from reality. But it is not so, that our life or our Job are always pleasant. Women in particular often lead a shadowy existence, with children’s education and all the. As such, it is sometimes nice in the Hand and to be in a different world or different life. The lives of other people is always fascinating.”
More than 100 film adaptations
The more than 100 film adaptations of Rosamunde Pilcher-a substance found in the ZDF on Sunday night millions of viewers. Cornwall was not least thanks to these films for the attraction for German tourists. In 2002, Pilcher price received for this merit even the British tourism. Two years earlier she had published her last novel.
you stopped Writing to have to spend as much time as possible with her husband. Since his death, she lived alone in her Scottish cottage. Any constraints of modernity, they never felt obliged, even your old mechanical typewriter, she did her whole writer’s life: “I had bought in between times an electric typewriter. But my fingers were not clear. That’s why I give it away again.”
obituary, Rosamunde Pilcher
Thomas Spickhofen, ARD London
07.02.2019 17:12 PM
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the author of many romance novels: Rosamunde Pilcher Atlas |UK |London