A group of conspiracy theorists are planning a trip to the ‘end of the world.’

the Group, which jokingly called ‘Flat Eathers’, will prove, that the Earth is not round.

the Trip is organised by the Flat Earth International Conference (FEIC) and appear to be intended to go to Antarctica via boat to find the ‘frozen barrier’, which, according to the conspiracy theorists marks the ‘end of the world’.

It writes Forbes.

And the frozen barrier is not just a word used as a synonym for ‘end of the world’.

the Group think, in fact, that there exists a hundred metres thick and 50 metres high ice-wall, which surrounds the Earth.

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the Details of the trip have not yet been announced, but the Youtube star Logan Paul has already stated that he will take with on the journey – so that he can reveal the ‘wacky’ theory.

– If you take a globe and presses it together, so will Antarctica go all the roads around the Earth, says the founder of the FEIC, Robbie Davidson.

– It is a bit like a iskyst, and it is very very big. You can’t just take there and then look over it.

however, It is not because they believe that you can fall of the Earth.

– We do not believe that something can fall of the edge, because a big part of our community believe that we are in a dome like a snow globe.

– So the sun, moon, and stars are all together inside. It is very high, but everything is inside. So there actually is not any way in which you can fall of the Earth, ends of the founder.

If they can find ismuren, will prove – especially with the navigation equipment is based on the fact that the Earth is round.