It is a project that has begun its predecessor, Doris Leuthard (CVP). A project that will prepare the new energy Minister Simonetta Sommaruga (SP) head shatter: the Revision of the electricity supply act. The Federal Council would like to respond to the changes in the domestic and foreign electricity market.
among the Central elements of the template, the full Opening of the Swiss electricity market. This step is in addition to the framework agreement as a prerequisite for the conclusion of the current agreement with the EU. The Federal Council wants to also satisfy a long-overdue legal mandate. Actually, should be able to procure in six years, households and SMEs, their electricity on the free market as the great consumer of electricity.
But this provision has remained a dead letter. 99% of the end users are bound to their regional utilities with regulated Tariffs. Sommarugas Department speaks for many suppliers, “comfortable monopoly” situation, which hinders the diffusion of innovations and the commercialization of renewable energies and, thus, the objectives of the energy strategy 2050. The Federal Council had set five years ago, the complete Opening-up to 2018 in view, the introduction of “controversial feedback” but indefinitely postponed.
“An unreasonable risk”
Now resistance is forming again. The umbrella Association of the Swiss electricity industry (VSE) compared to the original “strong reservations”. This is evident from his opinion, which he released today. For the liberalisation of the market, there are from the point of view of the VSE, reasons for and against it. Crucial to the embodiment.
The indigenous renewable energy sources should account for according to the Federal Council in the future a high share of the Swiss power supply. Therefore, all electricity customers who remain in spite of the market opening in the basic service, as a Standard exclusively by electricity, is made entirely of local and “predominantly or exclusively renewable” energy and regulated prices. The Federal Council intends to ensure, in particular, of the water power a firm place in the market.
“such A product requirement,” said VSE Director Michael Frank, “a engages in the entrepreneurial freedom of individual market actors, and in combination with a target price creates an unreasonable risk to the operator of the distribution network.” The paragraph in the basic pension will also be too small and too uncertain, to effect the hoped-for signals for investment in domestic renewable energy. The Federal Council should follow the template, calls the VSE of the waiver of such interventions, a transitional period of at least two years, as well as the immediate flexibility of the water rate in order to reduce the burden of taxes on the electricity supplier to the cantons.
it is Feared that the incentive for investment in local renewable energy falls to zero.
criticism of the template also puts the umbrella Association of Swiss distribution system operators (DSV), in which around 500 mostly smaller electricity companies are organized. “The full Opening is not allowed to degrade the overall ecology of the Swiss electricity supply,” said DSV President Peter Lehmann. However, because of the template, the probing of the existing market design, would be exposed to Swiss suppliers and producers vulnerable to the EU electricity market. But the incentive for investment in local renewable energy falls to “almost zero”.
The Association, therefore, proposes to increase the price of imported electricity with high environmental impact, so for example coal power. Local production, such water-power, would not be so disadvantaged compared to the large international production. to talk
Politically, the idea of a decentralized market opening is likely to be. Thus, each community could decide independently about the opening of the market in its area of supply. DSV-President Lehmann says: “Thus the Dilemma, you could defuse that the voting citizens to Express at the ballot box for local investments in renewable energies, but at the same time cheap electricity from abroad can buy.”
The DSV rejects the Revision to the Revision to the Federal Council. How Sommaruga will respond is unclear. The consultation period for the Revision expires in a week. The parties have not expressed. Their reactions at the opening of the consultation but suggest that the template should also have in Parliament, quite heavy.
supply Is secured?
The planned Revision of the electricity supply act is in the further points in dispute. How can ensure Switzerland’s security of supply in the long term? The umbrella Association of the Swiss electricity industry (VSE) complains that the template give a satisfactory answer. The Federal Council considers the Situation up to 2035, as uncritical, as long as Switzerland is integrated in the European electricity market – for the VSE of a too optimistic assessment.
Already today, Switzerland has, in the Winter, a structurally conditional production deficit will increase due to the gradual nuclear phase-out, as the VSE warns. Also, the photovoltaic contribute mainly only to the production in the summer months. Switzerland must support, therefore, their supply increasingly on imports. “This is, however, associated with considerable risks,” warns VSE-Director Michael Frank, and refers to overseas.
Germany plans to phase out nuclear power by the year 2022, and the parting of coal, France has pursued similar goals. “It is predictable that a strong reduction of secured capacity in the whole of Europe, will have a negative impact on the import capability of the Switzerland in the event of critical weather situations is in order,” says Frank.
incentives are needed
Although the Federal Council is proposing to hedge against extraordinary situations, to create a memory reserve, a stockpile of energy. However, when wear these only for short – term and medium-term security of supply, criticized the VSE. Frank calls the Federal Council is necessary to create an effective market design, the long-term security of supply bar in all seasons of the year warranty. So there is a need for sustainable incentives, including financial, for investments in installations for electricity production, such as the continuation of the market premium for Large-scale hydropower, depending on the current price situation. (sth)
(editing Tamedia)
Created: 23.01.2019, 18:50 PM