the end of a fever wanted: Two days after the attack on the Strasbourg Christmas market, the police killed the suspected attacker Chérif C.. The 29-Year-old was shot and killed on Thursday evening in the Strasbourg district Neudorf on the open road of special units, such as France’s interior Minister Christophe Castaner said. The jihadists militia Islamic state (IS) claimed the deadly attack on Tuesday.

C. had been sighted at 21.00 hrs by police officers on a road, said Castaner in the evening in Strasbourg. As the police tried to arrest him, he shot at them. The officials returned fire, and the 29-Year-old killed. An eye witness told the news Agency AFP that he had seen masked police officers race. “Then you heard the shots.” Dozens of police vehicles rushed to the place, the area was largely cordoned off, as a Journalist reported. Some residents cheered the police officers and shouting “Bravo!”

note from the population

According to information from investigators circles was reported, a woman in the afternoon, to have C. saw. She had noticed, among other things, that he was wounded in the Arm by the 29-Year-old had been taken after the attack in a shootout with security forces. He was able to escape with a Taxi to Neudorf. Since then, he’s been off the grid.

On Thursday afternoon by the Anti-terrorist looking-forces with a large contingent of the district in which the offender grew up and finally stopped his escape.

Gangster Jihad-ISM Islamic terrorists are hardly religious fanatics, but Criminal. According to the experts, you will see the IS as a kind of gear.

France’s state chief Emmanuel Macron thanked the security forces for their use. “Thank you to all of the mobilized services, police officers, gendarmes and soldiers,” wrote Macron in the short message service Twitter. He promised a “total commitment” in the fight against terrorism.

hundreds of police officers in use

In search of C. more than 800 security forces since Tuesday in France and Germany. In Baden-Württemberg well above a hundred officials, according to information from local authorities “” in use. The French police released on Wednesday a wanted photo of the intensive offender, was convicted in France, Germany and Switzerland, 27 Times, and by the French authorities as the Islamist threat has been determined.

The attackers had opened on Tuesday evening in a busy Shopping street close to the Strasbourg Cathedral and the Christmas market fire on passers-by and people, with a knife attacked. According to eyewitnesses, he shouted “Allahu Akbar” (“Allah is great”). Three people were killed in the attack, an Injured brain is dead. Several people were injured, some of them difficult.

Christmas market opens again

The jihadists militia Islamic state said on Thursday evening via their Propaganda mouthpiece, C. was “a soldier” of the IS. He had followed the call, citizens of member States of the Anti-IS coalition in Syria and Iraq to attack, quoted in the Monitoring of Islamist websites specialized US Institute Site from the message.

The Strasbourg Christmas market, which normally attracts each year around two million visitors that remained after the attack concluded. On Friday morning, he should be at 11 o’clock re-opened, such as mayor Roland Ries announced. The people of Strasbourg wanted to return to daily life – the re-opening of the Christmas market will “make it easier”. (anf/afp)

Created: 14.12.2018, 07:32 PM