“The head of the migrantskeppet: It is completely absurd”

“For more than two weeks ago kindled a glimmer of hope with the 32 migrants who were rescued on board the vessel Sea Watch 3 in the Mediterranean.”

“since Then, the mood changed drastically,” says Kim Heaton-Heather, who is head of the mission and on board the ship.”

“– Now it has started to sink into the persons in to Europe, which might have been their only hope, do not want to have them, ” he says via telephone to the TT.”

“– To see the change and how hope disappears is heartbreaking.”

“He describes the mood on the ship that extremely printed. Most just sit and cry, some have stopped eating and the other cannot even bear to stand up.”

“– this morning I had a conversation with a person who said he wanted to give up, he could not live longer, ” says Kim Heaton-Heather.”

“Try to occupy the children.”

“Among the persons on board is also a baby, two six-year-old children and four teenagers. Kim Heaton-Heather says that the youngest may not be completely aware of everything that is going on. They come from very violent environments and have ended up here in some kind of middle ground. He tells us that the crew is trying to occupy the children by getting them out on the deck, let them sit in the kaptenstolen and låtsasstyra the boat.”

“– But when they see their mothers cry they understand that it is something that is wrong, and then it is difficult whatever we try, ” he says.”

“the Crew on board consists of 22 people, of which 19 are unpaid volunteers who have taken time off from their regular jobs to help. Their days are primarily to be there for the migrants on the boat.”

” We have a meeting at ten o’clock in the morning, and breakfast before that. Then waiting for hours of just waiting, we have a tv you can check if you want to, ” says Kim Heaton-Heather.”

“He says that the hardest part for the crew is to try to explain to the persons on board, what happens or what the next step will be – because it’s actually not someone who knows it. Italy and Malta refuse to receive them. The netherlands and Germany have already said ”

“– and this is the reality of Europe, we find ourselves in right now. It is completely absurd, we should not need to be here. It is really the responsibility of the government but had it not been for the civil forces, had these people been dead, ” says Kim Heaton-Heather.”

“a Further 17 migrants are stuck on a ship that belongs to the German aid organization Sea Eye. Nor do they have anywhere to go.”