In January, the experienced Sweden is a shocking drapssak. A family of four was found dead in a residential building located in Bjärred outside of Malmö, and the longer the police got in the investigation, the more heinous was the details.

the Police in Skåne already began on the same night as the discovery took place to investigate the case as a gross outrage. The reason that the police responded to the residence, was that the boss to familiefaren had notified that he had not met up on the job.

A few weeks later came sjokkbeskjeden: They had made a discovery of a avskjedsbrev, where the parents told that they had agreed to terminate their own and døtrenes life.

In the letter, they described that they had no quality of life or future, because of døtrenes sykdomssituasjon. The letter is signed by both parents, wrote police.

During a press conference on Tuesday in last week, told etterforskningsleder Stefan Svensson that the daughters of 11 and 14 years was diagnosed with ME, and that the parents had planned the murders for several months before the event took place.

the Information from the police was provided with permission from the next of kin.

“None of us is going to live an ordinary life”, was written in the letter.

Family of four found dead. The police found avskjedsbrev Differences

Drapssaken have gotten the swedes to focus on CFS/ME, which are often referred to as a chronic fatigue syndrome. NHI describes it as “a condition with abnormal exercise-induced fatigue that does not improve in the usual way at rest”.

Saturday published Swedish Expressen an article where they refer to ME as an epidemic in Norway. In the article shows the numbers that indicate that more are diagnosed with ME in Norway than in Sweden, even though they have about five million more inhabitants than us.

In school year 2016 was 270 Norwegian students away from teaching for three months or more because of ME, while in Sweden only got to 115 people under the age of 20 diagnosed in the course of the same year, according to the newspaper.

a Total of 479 people in Sweden diagnosed with utmattelsessyndromet, and in 2017 increase the total number of 774 persons.

Seriously ill 17-year-old forgotten by society Debate – No epidemic

In the article the newspaper interviewed the chief physician at Akershus university hospital in norway, Reidar Due. He avfeier that WE are an epidemic in Norway, and don’t see any reason why Sweden should have lower numbers.

– It doesn’t stop at the border, he says to Expressen.

That country is Norway and Sweden quite a socio-economic identical, he says to Dagbladet and follow up:

But I think that we put the spotlight on ME earlier in Norway, and that we therefore have come longer – without that I can rule out the possibility that there are other reasons.

In academic communities, there are shared opinions about what is the reason that people get ME. Some lean towards that there is a biological cause, while others believe that it is a biopsykososial causal relationship.

Challenging Director Dove tells that it is challenging to have a child that is diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome. Previously, we’ve seen descriptions of the youths who are bedridden for months and not have the strength to go to school.

It is challenging for a family to have a young person that experiences it so.

I work with those who are youngest and have the life in front of him. We are trying to study the disease, and to rule out other causes of the symptoms.

– One is never completely satisfied after the assessment of a patient, and often feel that they could have done much more. But at some point, we feel that primærtjenestene must take over.

Due experience that by the help of the dedicated work of the municipalities, so there are many students who get better despite the diagnosis.

– It is important that they are believed that they are tired and exhausted. On a general basis, municipalities are very good with students who have special needs. It’s about life, so that students for example, going through high school – even though it might take four to five years.

Both wagered on the sport. Maria (23) ended up on the national team. Little sister Rikke (21) got ME sick. Plus