Papua new Guinea is different. The Locals call it the Land of the Unexpected. In fact, here are the Surprises: because something doesn’t work, because people take life more relaxed, because the West is still so far away. A tour and some impressions.

tin of tuna: A group of tourists travel to an island and visited a village where a special dinner will be prepared – so it’s a done deal. The inhabitants live in simple conditions, feed from the sea. As for the food, look at the guest quizzically. On the menu, Toast and a tin of tuna. The Consideration of the inhabitants of the island: fish from the sea is usually and is considered to be food of the poor people. Tin of tuna fish but, specifically, for that you have to drive for hours with the boat and a market visit. The Episode shows: Papua new Guinea (PNG) discovered the tourism, much of it is still at a nascent stage. Meanwhile, man has learned, to tourists tables of fresh fish come in today.

sea cucumbers boom: is an island was once a village in the Bismarck archipelago, it was simple and poor and without prospects. After the summer of 2018 houses Bobby-cars and shiny bikes will be in front of the simple wood, the boys carrying boxes of Golden sunglasses and listen to music from Bluetooth. The reason is that The fisheries authority has lifted the ban for the first Time in six years, the sea cucumber fishing. So fished both children and adults for a month like a wild after these ugly sea animals – the Chinese are on the cucumbers and pay incredibly high prices.

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Some history: Papua new Guinea since 1972, independently, before that it was occupied by German, British, Japanese and Australians. That’s why people speak fairly good English.

Beautiful: four in the Morning by boat through the Bismarck archipelago in the West Pacific drive, watch the stars and glowing fish to see. Famos.

humidity: Five minutes of Volleyball is to play sweating like a road worker in the Tars. It is very humid in Papua new Guinea. As the weather put a wet blanket over the shoulders.

turtle hunting: Angelique Amon is on the beach, bends down and shakes a little later the head. “Oh, no,” she says, and holds a part of the shield tank, toads in the Hand. Broken, thrown away. “Local search for turtles and their eggs; both are regarded here as a delicacy,” she says. Amon is looking for eggs, you want to protect them, before the Locals find you. Amon emigrated years ago from Germany and runs a Hotel with 14 beds on a small island, Lissenung, two football fields large, seven huts, strong, adorned with white sand beaches – the Paradise in Small. Island life pulse: 60 beats to the Minute. The food: Lobster, crayfish and fish à gogo. Favorite activity: snorkeling and scuba diving.

flyer trick: By PNG travel much it means to fly. Many villages are still not accessible today. The roads consist mainly of holes, and the Progress on them is arduous and time-consuming. So is flown, around the country there are country lanes. But the weather is unpredictable. Again and again planes have to turn back in the air again, because you can’t land. Resourceful (and rich) business men’s book, therefore, important dates, often two flights. In the case of a it will work then.

Babylon PNG is lodges a Paradise for ethnic. Up to 860 languages are there in the country, 1000 people’s groups, distributed to 8 million people (in 1950 there were still 1.6 million). The people have not lived in tribes, a constitutional state there were, problems solved with the law of the Stronger, more wars between the tribes were about normal. It took decades to pacify them. Today, many young people move to the cities. There, the century-old Disputes to break down.

cannibalism PNG is the Land of the man-eater – the States, at least, the cliché. Until the sixties, the Papuan aces fellows. Today, you don’t like to speak about it. Human flesh is supposed to taste like cassowary, a species of bird. Cassowaries are applicable in PNG today as a delicacy.

culture: , The Goroka Show is the largest folklore on the occasion of the country. People wear feathers and make-up, they dance and sing, they drink and eat. Thousands of people, tens of thousands of to look. Best of all, with the people in conversation and their stories.

Internet: The Internet is slow. It would probably be faster, would you take a horse, and the data on the back buckles. It horses but hardly here. Speaking of animals: The pig in PNG is a status symbol. Who has one or more in the garden, enjoys the View.

Concerns: , PNG has problems, a lot of even. Corruption. Unemployment. Poverty. The state of the money is missing. The President said in September, the national holiday: “We must believe in ourselves.”

Pride: PNG is in the middle of November the summit of the Asia-Pacific economic community (Apec). The occasion met the people of PNG with Pride: they are all of a sudden someone in the world politics. A new conference center was built, a Hilton Hotel created. But there are still too few hotel beds, so cruise ships will be arriving during the summit in the capital Port Moresby and the state to provide shelter.

Dangerous: Speaking of cruise ships. This is a run on their South sea voyages in Port Moresby. But the guests do not usually remain on Board, would you dare to Land. They are Oslobet afraid of the crime in the city – it is one of the most dangerous places in the world. That seems excessive – where: When you leave the gated hotel area, asks the security staff at the gate: “do you Want to really risk your life?” We have risked – nothing happened.

bird dream: Egg, these birds of Paradise. Adorable. In PNG, there are most of the species in the world. There are birds with colorful feathers and creative name. The most beautiful (Name): king of Saxony. German cultural heritage.

immersed space: Hei, these coral reefs. Fantastic. Sharks, you see, by the way. Small, up to a Meter long. Swim through the legs. This is – hehe –nerve-wracking. And who turns up, sees their big brothers. As said it is a German after their dive: “We have seen him, now we can go home and tell everyone.”

summary: PNG is recommended for four types of people: adventurers. Divers. Ethno Interested Logical. And people who think they have seen it all (should it happen).

HP: How much tourism in Papua does well in new Guinea? How much of it makes the magic of the country broken?

The trip was supported by the PNG tourism authority (Sunday newspaper)

Created: 10.11.2018, 20:33 PM