The car shoots out of the Tunnel on the Rhine bridge, and as it flashes in the corner of the eye, high on the hillside. As a fantasy, half-Palace, half-Cathedral. Nothing what you would expect in this country, and certainly not on the Schaffhausen the ground at the border of the Canton of Zurich. The singer-songwriter Dieter Wiesmann has taught us that this is “just e chliini city” – the castle Charlotte rock, however, is pure grandeur. One hundred percent of long-distance effect, enriched with a lot of family drama, some world history and a touch of Mystery.

the script and the backdrop are ready, just missing a couple of cameras, and Switzerland would have their epic Familiensoap. Would start this with a camera journey through the historical Museum of Moscow, to the Cabinet of Lenin’s pocket watch. Zoom the dial is engraved with: “H. Moser & Cie.”

the watches of this brand were widely used before the Revolution in St. Petersburg. The upper class bought them at the Famous street, the Nevsky Prospekt, in the business of Heinrich Moser. The son of a Schaffhausen-based watchmaker was pulled as a young man in the city of the Tsar, and had brought it to wealth. But with forty years of it pulled him back into the home. He was looking for a “friendly cookies” for his wife and children. In Neuhausen, he found a piece of Land with a view to Schaffhausen. That was important to him: It should mitigate the culture shock of his big city usual family. At least a little bit.

popularly known as the castle, The Villa Charlotte rock:. Image: Sabina Bobst

The move to Switzerland in the year 1848 but was under a bad star. Before Moser could start with the construction of the country is good, that he wanted to name in honor of his wife, Charlotte rock, died as the result of a carriage accident. Moser, promoted the building of still more. Charlotte’s sarcophagus, he was in a rock tomb on the property open the coffin.

And then he married again

Although the Villa, popularly known as the castle referred to was moved from Charlotte to the children, had Moser there continues to be a living law. For twenty years this was not a Problem. In this time Moser was often by the sumptuous Salon, on the floor with the precious, Russian-inspired inlay work, to the stately, colonnaded enclosed viewing terrace, from where he could examine his work: the rise of Schaffhausen. Thanks to its water power plant, the first of the high Rhine, thanks to its cable railway, the first in Europe, thanks to promoted and Operated as IWC.

But then, Moser was already 65 years old, he married again: the 42-year-younger Baroness Fanny Louise von Sulzer-Wart from Winterthur. A Scandal. The children from his first marriage refused to accept the new wife. Nevertheless, this went on to Charlotte and rock and gave birth to Moser soon a daughter, later as an occult researcher, to be known.

The Baroness flea

Heinrich Moser in the autumn of 1874 died When but a few days after the birth of a second daughter, has accused the Baroness of poison murder. From Henri, a son from his first marriage, had a falling out with the father, and to long as an adventurer around the world had traveled. It was said that the young woman had fooled her husband before his sudden death of a male offspring in order to secure a larger share of the inheritance. Hardened incidents never, but according to the later autobiography of the then-newborn daughter, who was later to become Communist, there was a strange. So about those pages from the toxicology report had disappeared, dealing with Moser’s brain.

As The Baroness, was one of the richest women in Europe, fled with her two daughters on the Schloss Au on the lake of Zurich, a different manor house of superlatives:. You should increasingly suffer from poverty, madness, and later, under a Pseudonym, as a patient in Freud’s famous case of hysteria studies world fame. From castle Charlotte rock the world traveler, Henri Moser later, a private adventurer the Museum. Full of exotic trophies, weapons, furniture and the ghosts of the past.

The weekly column “building zone” is dedicated to the many unusual, exciting, ugly, or somehow slanted houses that are everywhere in the Canton of Zurich. All of the about a hundred previously published articles, you will find a construction zone (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 08.01.2019, 15:19 PM