The NDR has warned several media after reports of allegations against those responsible in two of its state broadcasting houses. It is about false factual allegations and inadmissible reporting of suspicions, as the NDR press office announced on request. She did not name the media. The current head of the NDR state broadcasting center in Schleswig-Holstein, Bettina Freitag, told the interior and legal committee of the Kiel state parliament on Wednesday that the broadcaster had taken legal action against the “Stern”.
“Various media” had been warned, “both in terms of reporting on the Landesfunkhaus Schleswig-Holstein and reporting on the NDR Landesfunkhaus Hamburg,” said the broadcaster’s press office. The NDR had delivered the warnings, but the individual procedures had not yet been completed.
In relation to the media reporting on allegations against those responsible for NDR in Kiel, Freitag had said that these were “only a distorted excerpt” and that many voices, even from within the company, were hardly heard. The suspicion expressed by “Stern” that the editorial management for politics and research and the then head of television had unduly influenced a contribution about children being deported in a DRK home in Wittdün on Amrum, Freitag had described as “unfounded” and said that the NDR had therefore legal action against the “star” initiated.
The NDR in Schleswig-Holstein has been criticized for days. The media had published allegations against several NDR executives, including the director of the Kiel state radio station, Volker Thormählen. NDR employees complained about a “climate of fear” and a “political filter” at the NDR in Kiel, it said. There are now allegations against the director of the NDR state broadcasting center in Hamburg, Sabine Rossbach. She is said to have used her position as head of the NDR radio station for nepotism. And here, too, a letter from the editors became known, in which there is talk of a “climate of fear”. In Hamburg, the State Broadcasting Council will deal with the allegations in the coming week.