After eight years in the Department of justice, Federal councillor Simonetta Sommaruga looks to be the right time to take on a new challenge. With the Department of the environment, transport, energy and communications (Detec) return to their political roots, she says.

Sommaruga said she was looking forward to in a new Department again to move something. Her predecessor, Doris Leuthard, have done a very good job.

The Sommarugas main challenges in Detec:

the energy has it. It is true that the people decided to implement the energy strategy. For the decentralised production of energy, the electricity network needs to be rebuilt. In addition, the Swiss electricity market for Private and SMEs to be liberalised.

The new Detec-Boss, Simonetta Sommaruga will accompany the Dismantling of the first NUCLEAR power plant. The largest projects in the environment sector, the Revision of the CO2 act is currently. By 2030, emissions should be halved by the greenhouse gases compared to 1990. The necessary increase in the price of gasoline and fuel oil for the new Minister of the environment, a lot of hard political work.

In the planning is still in the implementation of the last revision of the law. The next stage is to give the cantons more room for Building outside building zones, is already in the pipeline.

in 2020, could inaugurate Sommaruga as the new transport Minister the Ceneri base tunnel. You will be expected to lead the groundbreaking ceremony for the second Gotthard road tunnel.

In the Detec of the restructuring of the post office are also in the network, the partial privatization of Postfinance, the introduction of the new mobile wireless Standards 5G or Dossiers, such as self-settled cars, Internet of things, or Cargo Sous Terrain. Also in the case of the media policy of the Federal government, the Department is in the lead. The discussion of the content and scope of public Service, the new media law, and media promotion. (anf/sda)

Created: 10.12.2018, 12:36 PM