since Tuesday, not President of the SVP Zurich. You could say: Christoph Blocher sawed them off. Would you agree with that?
This is a bit hard. We say it this way: It no longer has voted for me. I don’t want to explain in the fall again, why we have lost three of national Council seats.

sawed them off Christoph Blocher or not?
no, it’s not. At the Board meeting after the elections, something cryptic, the request came from him, you would have to set up a working group, which should reflect on a possible assistance of the Bureau. Then the Ex has specified the Executive Council Rita Fuhrer and all of a sudden by an interim President, spoke. As was clear for all what it was about. I have seen as a withdrawal request, and on the inside of the rice leash pulled.

they said last Tuesday, in her speech before the delegates, it had been smashed “too much harness”. What did you mean?
It has been given before the elections, a number of incidents. But internally, and I don’t want to Express myself. The most important question is: Who is responsible for this electoral debacle, the main responsibility?

Video: Konrad hard for a position on the SVP-losses The President of the Zurich SVP leads back to the electoral defeat, especially to poor mobilization.

Who carries them in your eyes?
In the last three years, we have lost more and more. Not only in the municipal elections, but also in all the other cantons. Recently we have lost in Lucerne and Basel, even more than in Zürich. Since you can’t say, however, that the Zurich cantonal party is to blame. The SVP is in the whole of Switzerland against the wind. I’m not saying that I made no mistakes. Maybe I need to take one of the nine losses on my cap. But for the agenda-setting of the SVP, I can’t help it. The self-determination initiative, which was supposed to be the start of our election campaign, has failed miserably. It was actually a good thing. But it is not managed at all, to explain to the people the Problem.

you are trying to blame the national SVP deport. Where is your self-criticism?
My skills were pretty limited. The party Executive also Gregor Rutz and Christoph Mörgeli, and many others, the influence sat. Now, after the elections, you will be kicked all the back a little bit and to look until everything is washed away. Of course, I have to say, as President also, but I must just especially. For example, I was the Only one who was on election Sunday in the media center and the defeat said.

“It’s not even in our electorate to be purposeful, to make you look ridiculous.”

a Lot of self-criticism, I have not yet heard.
Since I have to go back a little. Three years ago, when I was elected, I was the Alternative to the Bureau’s candidate Claudio Zanetti. You knew that I am standing for the SVP, the constructive works and not only provoked and always first says no. I can tell you that this polemic and aggressiveness is the SVPlern in the wine country, more and more on the alarm clock. Earlier, as the party has grown, has filed a complaint because of that no one. But meanwhile, many note: This controversy has worn. You have to rumble more and more, so that someone responds. I wanted to wear a different attitude in the SVP. Exaggerated said: I wanted to put the SVP Andelfingen on the SVP of the Canton. That was naive. The SVP is much more heterogeneous. The party members of the gold coast, and the peasants from the wine country meet in real life never. That’s why this is my biggest self-criticism: that to me is not the way I presented myself.

How was the reaction to your resignation?
I have a very, get very many responses. There are still many Mails, I could not answer. I’m convinced I would have been elected at the last Assembly of delegates again, if I wouldn’t have said twice that I am available.

range: Whole, SVP-leadership occurs back

To climate policy: For Roger Köppel the biggest Problem are the left-wing teachers who exploit their students. For a majority of the SVP electorate do you think such a representation of the climate problem?
I don’t understand this polemic. You can make not all that Worried about the climate, in the same corner. It is not even in our electorate to be purposeful, to make it ridiculous.

How big is the concern of the SVP is on climate?
she is quite. We farmers have experienced in the last year, as it is not, if it rains all summer long.

How was it?
I needed more water, yields declined, and in the Winter I had to buy food. Clearly, the question of how much is attributable to climate change, and how much is just weather. I’m not a scientist. But the fact is that the winters are generally warmer and summers are hotter.

What would be the right strategy for the SVP in the climate issue?
We should move the green coats. But we would have to consider proposals for the reduction of CO2 emissions and, if necessary, support.

How comfortable are you in SVP?
I’m glad that I’m back in the third row. I’m going to miss the contact with the high party bodies. Maybe I can contribute even better to the voice of those who think in the SVP the same as I – that are not few.

Now it goes in the SVP in the other direction. Roger Köppel power back on confrontation with the liberals.
It brings no solutions, if we make the other attack and you’re done. If necessary, I will set myself against this political style to the military.

The white I honestly.

there Is a pain threshold where you from the SVP would be released?

you may break, for example, to the BDP.
no, there is no more. I am now 33 years in the SVP, and I mean it.

New young politician Patrick Walder party President. What are you trusting him?
I get on well with him. He has the advantage, that he can take care of until in the autumn of the full EMS Bureau. I am militia, politicians, and must still earn my living. The SVP Board is a volunteer. Maybe Patrick Walder can get more out of it than I do. He will get support from the influential circles of the gold coast.

Who has the Say in the SVP really?
the influence of people. I just got off the phone with these maybe to little or better said never. I was influenced by them but also never called or directly.

it Was a mistake, that you have been looking for the contact never?
Probably. But I have to run after anyone just because he is a national councillor or something. It is possible that I was connected in these circles, to little good, and to one side of the party base have heard. Perhaps my choice three years ago was for the party leadership in a accident.


Created: 05.04.2019, 21:43 PM