One of the most cruel dictators, Adolf Hitler, was in his younger days a very active painter. And on Thursday, it was supposed, that the three works painted by the feared leader should be sold.

But it was the police quickly put a stop to. It writes the German Bild.

Immediately before it all went in, told the organizers, that all bids on the three images would be suspended. This is because the police suspect that the images are fake.

on Wednesday night started the rumors on the web about that the pictures were fake, says a spokeswoman for the police in Berlin, Patricia Bremer, to Bild.

Why were the pictures confiscated by the police, and now a number of experts to examine, whether the images are genuine or not.

the Field was sown doubt about the authenticity, it was alleged that the paintings were in the beginning of the 20. century, when Hitler worked as a painter in Munich.

Before the First world War, in which Hitler fought, supported himself as a labourer and an artist in the austrian capital, Vienna. In the period he painted a part of the postcard, but he also produced a portion paintings with naturalistic motifs.

In the book ‘Mein Kampf’ claims of the dictator, that in some periods he produced up to three paintings a day.

A great painter he was, however, never, and the reason he was rejected from the academy of fine arts in Vienna, in two stages.

After he came to power in 1933, he ordered the supposedly all his paintings destroyed, but several hundred still exist. A big part of the paintings are today in the us army’s custody, as they were confiscated at the end of the Second world War. For the same reason, the public has never seen most of his works.

Shareholders have said that even if the works do not possess any significant artistic value, so they can still be sold for several hundred thousand euros. They expect that the demand among buyers in the Uk, Scandinavia, the UNITED states and Russia is big.

In 2014, was one of Hitler’s paintings sold for 130,000 euros at an auction in southern germany – the equivalent of 970.000 dollars.

‘If you go along the Seine river and see 100 artists, 80 of them be better than it is here. The value of these works and the media interest is because of the name at the bottom’, says Heinz-Joachim Maeder, spokesman for the auction house Kloss in Berlin, to Reuters.

the Sellers of the paintings are angliveligt an elderly couple, who want to be anonymous.