It was on the island of Kungsholmen which the police conducted the operation. The building, which belonged to the company Oscar properties, being fenced off and the police gathered up all the workers and checked their id-documents. The action was part of a Europolsamarbete to curb arbetsplatsfusk and several authorities were involved.

It turned out that 14 of the 200 workers had not the right to work in the country. Around 30 people fled from the place.

reported the incident to the parliamentary Ombudsman, JO, because he believed that the police action was abusive.

Now, have the authority come up with a statement. The police get a representation of the WELL that they had stated that they were on the scene to help the Swedish work environment authority in a arbetsplatskontroll, at the same time as they carried out an alien control without having to announce it. According to JO, the interested persons be informed that it is about such a control.

the regulatory Framework has changed since the ante so the police get easier to implement arbetsplatskontroller.

Read more: Undocumented fled from the building – now working Oscar Properties against the wrong play