The temporary Vermicelli Restaurant in the Gelateria Tellhof in a circle 4 has hit the scene like a bomb: Since the opening on 1. November have sold Nicole’s home, Hanna Buker and David Jäggi, have called the Vermicelleria to life, permanent Vermicelles (read here all about the Pop-up project).

The typical Swiss Dessert was the Trio specifically for the Pop-up in Biel, produce – from Aargau and mountain eller chestnut. Normally, Vermicelli made from foreign fruits are produced, which is why the Crowdfunding project, co-financed pioneer character.

The appear to appreciate the customers. Even in the most bitter cold, the customers were on the weekend prior to the Tellhof up to 20 minutes in a queue. Sometimes it looked like in the summer in front of the Gelateria di Berna. “The door to the Pop-up was open permanently,” says Hanna Buker. “We were so busy just eat out.”

Fast, it was not clear that the stock lasts

shortly after the Start, was the Team’s clear that the 300 kilos of chestnuts, it has calculated for the Vermicelli, not up to 24. November would be enough. As long as you wanted to operate the Pop-Up. “We were totally overwhelmed by the success and have probably underestimated the Take-away principle,” says Buker.

The Vermicelleria-Trio: David Jäggi, Nicole home and Hanna Buker. Image: zvg

Although you can stay in the Gelateria also at the tables, came most of the guests just to get Vermicelli to go, as it is wont to do, the famously well with Glace. And: The Vermicelleria was the Social Event.

the first snow of the year is the Chestnuts-season is over

to purchase shortly after the opening snap of Nicole’s home and David Jäggi repeatedly into the Bergell valley, new chestnut. 300 kilograms of you had already processed, at least 600 more pounds they would have needed. That you would not get any chestnuts out of the Aargau was from the beginning clear. Also, it was quickly clear that the Team itself would not be complied with, with daily replenishment. “We don’t take the chestnut in the case of a club, not a wholesaler, because you come so quickly to a new product,” says Buker. In addition, it did this week in the Bergell already snowed and the Chestnuts-season is definitely to the end.

So looks, or rather looked, the Vermicelles tartlet of Vermicelleria. Image: zvg

Tomorrow, Wednesday has opened the Vermicelleria the last Time, then the stocks are exhausted. In order to close a week earlier than planned. How and whether the “Vermi-Team” the Marroni-Business continues to be faithful, it’s still open. “It was,” says Hanna Buker, “in any case, an instructive and crazy experience.”

Tellstr. 20, 8004 Zürich
Last day: Wed 13.11. 12.30 PM to 22 PM

Created: 12.11.2019, 17:20 PM