the Chairman of The German bishops ‘ conference, cardinal Reinhard Marx, has called for the Anti-abuse summit in the Vatican for more transparency and openness of the Church in dealing with abuse cases. This includes the publication of Figures and details, count, he said in his speech in the Vatican. Deeds and cover-up caused the Church harm.

“The sexual abuse of children and young people is due in no small part to the abuse of power in the area of administration,” said Marx. The administration had not contributed to the Mission of the Church must be fulfilled, but that this “dimming” and impossible: files, documenting the terrible acts and those Responsible would have been able to call, has been made had been destroyed or not even created. “The rights of Victims have been, as it were, trampled, and of the arbitrariness of the Individual delivered.” These are all events that would deeply contradict what the Church should be, according to Marx.

confidentiality denounced

In his speech, the cardinal challenged the application of the “Papal secrecy” in the Church processes against abuse of offenders. Retention standards for certain legal and administrative processes in the Catholic Church are strict Secret meant. Critics had named these standards is repeated as a cause for cover-UPS of abuse cases. Marx said he sees no “compelling reasons”, why should this Secrecy rules in the prosecution of abuse crimes.

Thomas Sternberg, President of the Central Committee of German Catholics, was challenged by Marx in the run-up to a clear message. The world must now face all the Problem of abuse, he told the Passauer Neue Presse. “No bishops’ conference can steal out of it.” In spite of the efforts of the Church, he can still see deficits, so Sternberg.

compensation for the victims

Although there are dioceses that have sought workup, but that this was not the case everywhere. “There are different approaches, and there is a unified approach to the workup and prevention is missing.” The abuse conference at the Vatican can only be a beginning. The perpetrators have to brought to justice, the Victims must be helped, even by compensation. “The world,” said Sternberg of the newspaper.

Since Thursday days in the Vatican, numerous Church representatives from all over the world to discuss how to respond to cases of abuse better and you can help prevent. Pope Francis takes part in it. He wants to hold on Sunday a speech. (afp/

Created: 23.02.2019, 20:09 PM