“The risk of fire when the sun and the heat is still”

“This is good news for easter Monday: the Sun and the heat will remain over almost the entire country.”

“With the warm and dry weather will also be an increased fire risk in large parts of Sweden.”

“From today there eldningsförbud in the county.”

“Many of the jackets and scarves have gone by in the last few days, and yet they do not see out to be needed again. The sun and warmth will continue to delight sun-worshipping swedes.”

“– It will be nice the next few days. Norra Norrland get a little cloudy, but otherwise it’s going to be sol all over the country, ” says Malva Lindborg, meteorologist at the Swedish meteorological and hydrological institute.”

“During the second day of easter, moving a front over the northern region and eastern Svealand, but it moves away during the day and does not affect the temperature appreciably.”

“– It will be 20 degrees up to, in all cases the southern part of the province Svealand. The border goes in the south of Dalarna and Gästrikland. To the north there will be around 15 degrees, ” says Malva Lindborg and attracts up to 22 degrees locally in the Region.”

“And the beautiful weather will not disappear with the easter bunny, the påskolvslediga can enjoy more fine days in the week.”

“– It will remain quite warm for the season. It will be sunny across the country on Tuesday and continued warm. And the heat can spread a little to the north. It gets a bit warmer along the coast of Norrland, all the way up to Luleå and Piteå, ” says Malva Deliberate.”

“the Heat hangs in the Wednesday to Friday, but it will be a little ostadigare, with the risk – or chance – for local bursts.”

“– There are probably many who wish it, but it will not be huge amounts.”

“Warning-fire hazards”

“With the sun comes the risk of fire and SMHI warns of fire risk in the grass and forest in the whole of Götaland and Svealand, where the warning later in the week may also apply to the northern region.”

“– the risk of fire spreading slowly to the north and with continued dry weather comes the warning to remain, ” says Malva Deliberate.”

“the County administrative board in Blekinge has, from today, introduced a eldningsförbud by reason of the high fire risk in the forest and the land. Among other things, it is not allowed to use disposable grills.”

“The upcoming weekend can also bid on fine weather, but it is important to have an umbrella to hand, it looks to be off-kilter.”

“– the Forecasts are not unanimous, and I do not dare to promise exactly where it will rain, but rainfall area will cross the country from the southwest, ” says Malva Deliberate.”

“– Valborg is still a little uncertain of the shot, it looks like it can get a little ostadigare weather and a low pressure, but it is a little early to give a more accurate forecast.”