this week visited the jordanian monarchy Buckingham Palace. But it is not the guests or the dresses, which subsequently has drawn the headlines.
instead, it is about all the focus on queen Elizabeth’s left hand.
the Queen’s left hand, is the one that draws most of the headlines after last week’s royal visit. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix
On the official photos from the royal visit has sharp royalists namely discovered, that the queen’s hand has a dramatic, blålilla color. It set the fast time in a whirlwind of tweets from the british, who expressed concern for the queen’s health.
Beautiful picture. Best wishes for speedy healing of Her Majesty’s hand(s).
— Nola Hennessy (@NolaSerenidadCo) February 28, 2019
Oh my… HM does look like she hurt her hand.. Hope it heals quickly
— Colleen White (@cmbmw) February 28, 2019
Oh my that is a big bruise
— Michelle Belgrave (@miccybel) March 1, 2019
She has thinning skin, common as we age unfortunately. My Mum has the same dilemna – weekly bruising from a simple knock or bang to the hand.
— Denise Padvaiskas (@DenisePadvaisk3) March 1, 2019
According to the tv doctor Charlotte Bøving, however, it is not at all uforventeligt, to a woman in the English queen high age of 92 years, get blodudtrækninger and bruises.
– It is due to poor blood supply, which comes from the hardening of the arteries. It hits typically the legs first, and later when it also to the hands.
– there Is reason to be concerned about when it happens?
– Yes, of course one must always be concerned about it, you have it on your hands, then you have it also in other places. But it is deeply to be expected, when you like her have exceeded the average life expectancy in Denmark with more than ten years, says Charlotte Bøving to Ekstra Bladet.
According to the royal expert Joe Little, who has spoken with the uk Express, was the queen’s mother, the late Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon, was treated for anemia and went often round with plasters with Disney motives on his hands.