What is the Spanish minister with responsibility for consumer affairs, Alberto Garzón, who has requested that a judge make a decision about the SAS and 16 other airlines ‘ poor policy for the refund of the cancellation.

the Spanish authorities argue that the 17 for the airlines do not inform clients adequately about their rights, and that they are therefore now in the court conducting a judicial review to force the companies to refund over a period of seven days.

In addition to this, the authorities have requested that all of the contracts in which the customers have accepted the coupons, or the so-called ”prepaid” in front of the cash so far, disregarded the decision, according to a Norwegian newspaper.

” the two Companies have an unfair återbetalningspraxis, then, failing to inform the client of the right to a refund within seven days, write to the Spanish authorities, the investigator, according to Dagens Næringsliv.

Norwegian Air was one of only two companies in the Spanish airline market, which was excluded from the prövningsansökan, which was submitted to the court, according to the newspaper.

READ MORE: the Criticisms of the SAS to Mislead customers about the refund. READ MORE: Flygaktierna show – and then buy on a large scale småsparareDelade abs: how to get rid of the problems

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