“The seeds of alzheimer’s disease in old medicine”

“People who have been treated with an older variant of growth hormones may be at increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease. The fear researchers after have found evidence that the medicine may contain ”

“Thousands of swedes treated or have been treated with growth hormones, not rarely as a child in order to avoid an abnormal height. Last year, more than 4 000 swedes such hormones, according to the national Board of läkemedelsdatabas.”

“Now produced this hormone is synthesized, in the laboratory, but between the 1950s and mid-1980s were extracted from the pituitary glands of the deceased.”

“you are Now american and british researchers have found evidence that these early hormone drugs are mass-was often contaminated with parts or”

“the Protein in question is called beta-amyloid is the protein that builds up the inlagringar or plaque that accumulate in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s disease. Since the previous suspect to the researchers that there probably only needed very small amounts of this protein to a beginning, to significantly greater amounts of plaque will be formed in a later stage.”

“When scientists in the year 2015 autopsied eight patients who had all died of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and received hormone therapy as children, they discovered that seven of these showed clear signs of Alzheimer’s disease. They were more or less full of the proteininlagringar associated with the disease, even if no one had shown signs of dementia before they died.”

“In these patients, there was also a related condition called cerebral beta-amyloid-angiopati (CAA). Because the patients were relatively young, the researchers believe that the cause was the previous treatment with growth hormones. Probably, though not certainly, had these patients developed Alzheimer’s disease at a later stage, the researchers write in the journal Nature in which this research is presented.”

“the Plaque of the treatment”

“Now, researchers have examined the preserved bottles with old growth hormone, i.e. the hormone taken from the deceased. And they discovered remnants of the beta-amyloid in all bottles where the hormone had been extracted with a certain method. In these bottles was also another infamous protein also associated with Alzheimer’s disease: tau.”

“the Researchers injected also mice with hormonblandningarna and saw that these developed significantly more amyloid plaque in the brain, compared with mice that were injected with synthetic hormones.”

“this leads to the Conclusion, the researchers write, that the accumulation of plaque was seen in those who died of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease was caused most likely by the treatment with growth hormone.”

“Common to all who are affected by Alzheimer’s disease is inlagringar of amyloid plaques in the brain. These plaques are composed of beta-amyloid proteins surrounded by dead or damaged nerve cells and nerve processes.”

“Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease occurs in three forms: hereditary, spontaneous, respectively, transferred. Transmission of the disease by infection is very rare, but between 1958 and 1985 were 30 000 people for smittrisk after receiving injections of growth hormone. Before were produced of this hormone from dead people’s hypofyser.”

“Some of the extracts contained the prions that cause Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Up to the year 2012, 226 individuals affected by Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease as a result of this. Now researchers have discovered that certain extracts also contained ”

“Source: Nationalencyklopedin and Nature”