“The soldier Helena, 41, died in militärövningen”
“the Combat vehicle 90 ran on the tent during the Northern Wind”
“Helena Fjällström, 41, died in militärövningen Northern Wind outside Överkalix.”
“today held a minnestund for her in Östersund.”
“”the Loss is large. The memory is larger,” writes her battalion on Facebook. “
“It was during the night of Monday, a soldier died during the militärövningen Northern Wind outside Överkalix.”
“In the morning held a minnestund for Helena Fjällström on the island of Frösön in Östersund.”
“– to honor our killed comrade has C In 19 made the decision that staff in the services concerned sorgeband after the exercise, and next to that the burial occurred. The individual may build sorgeband direct, write Fältjägarbataljonen on Facebook. “
“the 41-year-old found himself in a tent when the combat vehicle 90 drove over the tent, and a total of nine people were injured. Helena Fjällström who lived in Jämtland died of the injuries.”
“– The worst has occurred. A comrade in the armed Forces have paid the ultimate price and my thoughts go out to the families and friends of the fastener, said övningsledaren, colonel Stefan Smedman, earlier in the week.”
“the Police are investigating the fatal accident that arbetsmiljöbrott by involuntary manslaughter and arbetsmiljöbrott by induction of danger to another, writing the NSD. “
“– this will take a period of time. We need to take a number of investigative measures, so far as we have yet to come, ” says Aino Pietilä, the prosecutor, told the newspaper. “
“No one was in the Thursday morning notified the suspicion of a crime. “
“Aftonbladet has been in contact with helen’s family that have agreed to the picture of her is published.”