“The UN wants to see a credible investigation if the Khashoggi”

“the UN secretary-general António Guterres calls for a proper investigation, which can be relied on, of the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.”

“It is imperative that it becomes a credible investigation and that those responsible are held to account,” says Guterres at a conference in Qatar.”

“the UN chief said that he has not received any additional information about the case beyond what has emerged of the media coverage.”

“Jamal Khashoggi, who lived in exile in the united states, where he wrote columns in The Washington Post, disappeared when he visited the saudi consulate in Turkey on 2 October. Saudi arabia has, after several times to have changed their official version – accepts that he was murdered in connection with the visit, but claims that it is not planned from above.”

“According to the Turkey sent a group of saudis to Istanbul to carry out the murder. Saudi arabia have arrested 21 people for their involvement, but has refused to go along with Turkey’s request to leave out the suspects.”

“The Turkish minister of foreign affairs assures that it will not release its own investigation of the case.”

” We have not received any new information about the saudi investigation, said Mevlüt Cavusoglu, also he’s in Qatar.”

” Turkey will not give up, we will run the rope out.”