“The wars of the roses – if Januariavtalet”

“the ministry of Trade president Susanna Gideonsson criticizes the social democrats”

“A new the wars of the roses is in the offing.”

“The Trade is highly critical of the social democrats – and Januariavtalet with C and L.”

“– It may not mean that’s ending pursuit of socialist policies, ” says Susanna Gideonsson, the ministry of Trade chairman.”

“the Background to the trade union anger is the government’s reluctance to go ahead with its own suggestions for a sustainable working life. “

“the Investigator Anders Wallner, the former party secretary (MP), proposed measures to abolish the general fixed-term, stop forced planing of working hours and strengthening of the right to full-time, which the unions have long wanted and that’s went to the election on.”

“But after Januariavtalet, in which it, inter alia, stipulates that the labour law should be investigated and upgraded, this issue has come to a standstill. “

“the Disappointment in the trays are now big. “

“Susanna Gideonsson, who is the chairman of the Trade union and myself elected to the executive committee, does not mince words when she’s giving her image in an op-ed in the Work.”

“She is aimed at the minister for employment Ylva Johansson (S), which is responsible for jobbfrågorna in the government:”

“”Tassandet around the Centre and the Liberals ‘ obstruction of the reforms is strange. Why should Ylva Johansson, social democratic cabinet minister be the person who out the C and L are anti-working class policies? Let them do it themselves,” she writes.”

“According to Gideonsson, who develop their thoughts in an interview with Aftonbladet, endangers’s very much by the compromises with the rodney king during an arrest.”

” the Risk is that it becomes unclear to the voters. S need to be clearer with what is their own policy and what is a förhandlingsöverenskommelse. Sometimes you have to dare to be tough and to fight the battle on issues that are important to voters, ” she says.”

“Risk, kärnväljarna”

“Handelsbasen think that’s likely to encounter with their own supporters, by their actions and strategy in connection with the Januariavtalet.”

“– If S never take the fight if some questions will also party kärnväljare to ask the question: “why should I support them? It may not be possible to win hyvlingsfrågan in the parliament. But if P gives up without a fight, how should voters then be able to know what the party stands for?”

“In the article in the Work, touch Susanna Gideonsson in addition, that S has a particular responsibility to advocate for working class voters. “

“If it is not possible to enforce reforms that benefit the working class and as we promised the voters, it must be made clear that it is not a voluntary choice. Otherwise it will be the voters ‘ punishment of hard in the elections of 2022,” she writes, and concludes with the promise that the Commercial will to pursue the matter further, inter alia, in the negotiations between unions and employers. n ”

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