“The web’s founder is critical of the 30th anniversary”

“it is Now three decades since the World Wide Web was founded. On the 30th anniversary reflects founder Tim Berners-Lee on the web we have today, and he is not happy.”

“The british researcher Tim Berners-Lee is considered by many to be the founder of the world wide web. 30 years ago, on 12 march 1989, he formulated his vision in a document, and the following year opened the first web page. In a letter reflects he is now around how the web evolved in the last thirty years.”

“Calls for a new regulatory framework”

“the Web, he believes, has created opportunities, provided a voice for marginalized groups and facilitated our lives, but at the same time made it easier to commit cyber crimes and spread hatred. In the letter, writes Tim Berners-Lee that he is calling for a rebuilding of the web and is a kind of new technical and legal regulations in order to avoid the mistakes of the last 30 years to be repeated.”

“Clinton remembers Bildt-mail”

“In tweeten writes Bill Clinton that he is proud to have been a part mejlväxlingen. But according to the BBC, sent Bill Clinton as the only two e-mails himself during his eight years as president. One was an empty testmejl, the other went to an astronaut out in space. The answer to Carl Bildt can therefore most likely to have been sent by an aide to the president.”