Trevor was a local celebrity on the island of Niue in the Pacific ocean because he was the only duck of its kind resident on the island.

According to the BBC arrived at he island in the last year, but it is unclear how he got there.

He appeared in Fiji in January last year after a big storm. We believe he flew or blew here, ” says handelsdirektør Rae Findlay to the BBC.

She has also driven Trevors Facebook page, which has nearly 2000 followers. In Niue, which is affiliated with New Zealand, staying around 1600 people, and they have approximately 9000 visitors each year, writes Sky News.

– There are no rivers, streams or lakes here, so Trevor lived in a small pond, ” says Findlay.

Named after politician

Trevor was a mallard, and was called “Trevor Mallard” of the population on Niue. He is named after a politician from New Zealand.

Send my deepest compassion to the people of Niue from the parliament of New Zealand, washers politician Trevor Mallard on andas Facebook page after the death became known.

A post on the Facebook page shows that several people asked for the celebrity-duck last week.

“Has anyone seen me this week?” is called it in a post. People encouraged each other to look for Trevor.

But just two days after etterlysningen, Friday last week, there was published an obituary on Trevors Facebook page.

Where was it described that the local duck had been killed by dogs. He was found dead in some bushes.

Many condolences

– After running around with a bag of oats in my car in a year, I will miss the stops on the way to and from work to feed Trevor. He captured the hearts of many and he will definitely be missed, ” says handelsdirektør Findlay, according to the BBC.

“Trevor, we’re going to miss you. Thank you that you have been a part of our coast in a year, and for the joy you gave my children”, writes one woman on the Facebook page.

“Thank you Trevor, for that you brightened up the days to my life from the pond,” writes another.

In addition to those who are resident in Niue, have more sent condolences from Germany and the united Kingdom.

– Had the friends

despite the fact that Trevor has been referred to as the world’s most lonely and, tell Findlay that the duck among other things, spent time with a rooster and a chicken, and that he visited people in the gardens.

On the Facebook page of Trevor, one sees clearly that the duck was well taken care of.

Pictures show that the fire department filled up the water in the pond, so that Trevor would have a nice place to stay.

the Duck could have died because of pollution. Now it is saved