Whiskybæltets blonde daughter, Pernille Vermund, is the leader of the New Civic. She founded the party in 2016. According to own statements of copious amounts of red wine, and one can have a suspicion that there have not been saved on the page.

In any case, says Vermund often something quite strange.

And here I am thinking not only that she constantly lists three ultimate requirements for a future Danish prime minister after the next election:

– Our requirement is a full asylstop, foreigners in Denmark should support themselves and criminal foreigners be expelled consistently after the first judgment.

The immigration would get even Hungary’s Viktor Orbán to blush, as His Engell has formulated it.

It will probably be a little heavy to get Lars Løkke with the ideas. Denmark could also risk being thrown out of various international organisations.

But if we now think ourselves, that the Loop still bent, then Vermund more requirements. She said to Jyllands-Posten:

’He is almost a socialist. If he leads the economic policy, which he now leads, tipping him’.

Lars Løkke will not be easy, if there is a blue majority with the New Civic after the next general election. the
Drawing: Morten Ingemann
LA on the speed
New Borgerliges economic policy is as Liberal Alliance on speed.

the Top should be abolished, the same to the corporation and the registration fee, and on the whole, the party will facilitate the taxes and fees for the 120 billion dollars. Towards 2025, the public sector slimmed for 155 billion.

The plan requires gigantic savings. If, for example, dismantles health care and police completely, there will still be missing many billion. Just to give an idea of scale.

the Party is not quite specific when it comes to where the money is to be retrieved.

There is, of course, anything with the foreigners, social assistance and SU pruned and early retirement should be gone, but we are still a large distance from the target.

in turn we know that the New Civic will abolish the municipal equalization – it will evoke jubilation in the jewish street.

And we can have just a passing mention that the New Civic will also have us out of the EU. In the Uk, one can see how fine an idea it is.

Then there is the environmental policy. To the Althing explained Vermund, that ’the climate has always changed’.

It says Trump, so why do anything?

it Must finally be, believe, Vermund, that we can best solve environmental problems by trading with poor countries, so they become richer:

’For the higher a country comes up in wealth, the less pollution and CO2 emissions and so on.’

When The journalist expressed justified skepticism, fremturede she:

’No, the ones that bring the largest image is, of course, the poorest countries. There are people in the african part of the world and the Middle east, that still heats their houses with some small gas furnaces, and that is to soot a completely game’.

the Information denoted in a leader Vermunds opinions as some of the dumbest ever said in the climate debate – and here is the competition otherwise cut-throat.

And danchurchaid supplemented helpfully by stating that a dane in the cut stands for the 5.9 tonnes of CO2 emissions each year. A resident of Malawi for the 0.1 ton …

New Borgerliges environmental policy is based on a swamp of ignorance. As large parts of the party’s other policy in cases where it is not completely devoid of content.

when Vermund in Ekstra Bladet wrote on the party’s visions for the Copenhagen and the province:

’the New Civil want a beautiful, green and vibrant capital, where it is good to live and work, and where our shared history and cultural heritage is preserved and made accessible to all danes. And we want exactly the same for the rest of the country.’

It will be hard to find someone who is against the goal.

In an email wrote Vermund for all the danes:

’Our goal is neither the power nor the stools. Personally, I would preferably be free.’

So, I think, then, that we must spare her. In turn, she can get a cod – there will be a new candidate tomorrow.

The large torskevalg

is the tenth and last candidate for the Ekstra Nytårstorsk 2018.

on page 18 you will find all of the nominees and a ballot so you can participate in the decision of who is the biggest cod.

very soon the voice of here at dawn.dk.

you’ll be pleased to have done your democratic duty. You can also win great prizes.

the previous candidates here:

the Year nytårstorsk: Sassjaldemokraten

the Year nytårstorsk: Knight Loop

the Year nytårstorsk: Stupid ball

the Year Nytårstorsk: Støvledamen

the Year nytårstorsk: Gokkeborgmesteren

the Year nytårstorsk: Danish washing and ironing

the Year nytårstorsk: Lord in chains

the Year nytårstorsk: Sundhedspladasken

the Year nytårstorsk: Smadremanden