“Brexit – the Uk leaving the EU”

“Theresa May: Vote for me – so I will resign”

“LONDON. Theresa May is prepared to resign if her agreement is voted through.”

“This is according to Downing Street for Sky news.”

“I am ready to leave my job earlier than planned to get to a smooth brexit,” says the prime minister.”

“In a secret with the meeting on the onsdagseftermiddagen said the British prime minister, Theresa May to conservative members that she is ready to resign if her contract for brexit is voted through by parliament.”

” I am ready to leave this job earlier than I planned for to ensure a smooth and orderly brexit, May have said, according to a statement from Downing Street in the Sky news.”

“Shortly before the house during Wednesday evening would start a vote about the different opportunities to take brexit furthermore met May the hard-line brexitörer in the Tory party – who would be willing to vote for her agreement, provided that any other leads brexitförhandlingarna further in the next step – to seek support for their agreement.”

” I know that there is a desire for a different approach and a new leadership – in brexitförhandlingarnas second phase and I will not stand in the way of it, May have said, according to Sky news.”

” I know that some are worried that if you vote for utträdesavtalet so I’m going to take the check to hurry into phase two, but the debate we need to have. I will not do – I hear what you say. “

“– I ask everyone in this room to support the agreement so that we can fullfärda our historic mission – to deliver to the british people’s decision to leave the EU with a smooth and orderly exodus.”

“Theresa Mays agreement with the EU two times, with a clear majority voted down in parliament, including as the most hard-line brexitörerna in her conservative party thought that the agreement kept the united kingdom remained in a very close relationship with the EU.”