writes The “center for political beauty”, it is achieved with the unmasking of the Right of the target. But Radically, in art, in the present, the hatred.

comment by Kia Vahland Kia Vahland

Dr. Kia Vahland’s opinion editor, her focus is on topics from the culture, and the Humanities. From 2008 to 2017, you was responsible as editor of the visual arts in the arts section of the süddeutsche Zeitung. She had previously studied to a newspaper internship in art history and political science in Rome, Hamburg and Dijon. She was an editor at the ZDFshow “Willemsens Woche”, art magazine type and long-standing writer for the Geo. Her doctorate, she wrote about portraits of beautiful women in the Renaissance. She has published several books and articles on ancient art, photography and picture use of our time, including: “Michelangelo and Raphael. Rivals in the Rome of the Renaissance” (C. H. Beck Verlag, 2012). In the island-the library in 2018 “view of things appears. Old images, new times”, a Band with their art columns from the SZ. Kia Vahlands work was awarded, among others, with the Michael Althen prize for criticism in 2016, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

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art can follow, it must be radical. By going again and again to the Pain, faced the viewer, and thus all the companies with the Repressed and Overlooked. If you bother no one, all either appreciated, or is ignored, it has lost its function. But this does not mean, conversely, that a work is good and important, because it causes an uproar. The question is also: What happens there, how, exactly, is an artistic Intervention works? And how do you judge?

The latest work of the artist group Milosbet “center for Political beauty” works in the appeal to the lower instincts, it fires the slope for the purpose of exclusion and denunciation. At the beginning of the week, the actionists published on the Website www.soko-chemnitz.de on the – allegedly – in a “catalogue of the attitude sick” hundreds “quitter in the face of democracy” were by name and with the image to find; refers to the right of the protesters from Chemnitz. Users should report the name and employer of the Affected inform, because the Constitution fail protection in Saxony. All of this came without any hint of irony or self-distance. Now the Website is shut down again. The action artists claim that they had reached their destination, because they had expanded their data collection by all those Internet users from the right-wing scene, which is on the page scared the own name, and had sought from Relatives and friends.

the centre for Political beauty

Online pillory to Participate

The centre for Political beauty unlocks a denunciation portal for the excesses of Chemnitz. What it wants to be Satire, is a political stupidity. By Jens Bisky

Covered by the freedom of artistic expression means to Holy the purpose – and promote non-political beauty, but the politically Ugly, namely, the hatred, the dissolution of boundaries and the self-righteousness, even arrogance, to take people into custody for the Convictions of their Relatives and Acquaintances. Who is denounced on the Website of the supposed attitude of the offender, liked to feel on the right page: He or she is against Nazis and against the security authorities, which do not protect society against right-wing violence. Politically, however, this nothing will change – except that the action of persecution fantasies nourishes on the other hand, and perhaps even politically Undecided into the arms of the Right-hand drives.

A democratic political culture can save only, who lives in you. Who respects the rules of the discourse, and argues that those who analyzed and criticized to taunt instead of abzukanzeln to shoot down. Radical means in the present, the hatred.

And the art? Which was not often particularly good if you controlled your audience with the comforting feeling of moral Superiority. To scare but if you brought it, not only before the world but also from themselves.