Old year, old tricks. The past year contains a number of reforms, changes and historical twists from a Finnish perspective. Evening magazine list of the most important of them.Nelosolut stores

the law on Alcohol of the total reform of the most prominent changes occur immediately 1. January, when nelosolut appeared on grocery store shelves. While beer and other alcoholic beverages taxation intensified.

the Restaurant opening hours were freed in early march. At the same time Began to get longer to sell weekdays evening nine. In addition, the ”long ripainen” keep the door open also on easter Saturday as well as christmas and midsummer’s eve.

Nelosoluet and the tentacles appeared to the grocery store in the beginning of the year. Olli Ainola

Health and welfare department issued before the reform, gloomy judgment day forecast. The finns had to dash hoarding cheap neloskaljaa so that the braces and paid for a drink.

Stronger consumption of beer does not, however, increased significantly and the price just dropped. Caused by alcohol, possibly the increased deaths to get the information until later.

the Controversial active in the model

Prime minister Juha Sipilä (centre) of the government up to the active model came into force in the beginning of the year. If the unemployed did not show adequate enthusiasm and self-reliance employment front, his unemployment benefits would be cut slightly.

the Trade unions was furious activity in the model and has campaigned against numerous industrial action and demonstrations. Active model in the annulment of the citizens ‘ initiative had gathered by the end of January, more than 140 000.

SAK was waiting for the February demonstration in central Helsinki more than 10 000 people. According to police, the participants had approximately 7 000 to 8 000. The number might have been bigger, if the unions were not being urged to have a same-day public transport strike.

active model has attracted a lot of opposition. Jenni gästgivar uber’s comeback

the taxi travel was prominent in the news in 2018 anyway as mps Jani Toivola (gr) very eager to suhailun. Taxi reform namely came into force at the beginning of July. Pricing was released and the taxi driver is easily reached when training and test requirements are reduced.

When the taxi regulation was eased, it brought the market back to the controversial Uber-drivers. Ride brokerage service stopped the Finland-operations in the summer of 2016, when the company’s drivers had been convicted in court for unauthorized taxi transport.

the taxi law reform came into force in July. Janne suutarinen, the eu data protection regulation

the European union data protection regulation (GDPR) came into force at the end of may. In finland, supplemented by information protection laws in June. Regulation, adjust a widely of personal data processing basic principles. The purpose was to improve people’s confidence in network services.

at the Same time data protection regulation the other point in the season for the conflict Jehovah’s witness notes. The supreme administrative court asked the EU court’s opinion and end up in the EU-judges in the way that Jehovah’s witnesses preaching work in connection with notes made by are illegal, unless they ask for the relevant consent.

Jehovah’s witnesses is disputed sharply to form a person registry. Colony communications according to people’s data for recording can not ask common-sense consent, but it is ”normal interaction”.


the Finnish political leadership in no significant changes took place in the green chair and the little minister of the roulette except for. the Sauli Niinistö take the second half of January expected landslide victory in the presidential election. This was the first time the president of the republic of Finland elected in the first round.

Sauli Niinistöstä come February, the first president of the republic, who has received a secondary growth of his reign. Juha Rahkonen

Niinistö made the next time of history as soon as early February, when he and mrs. Jenni Haukio Aaro -a son was born. Niinistöstä became the first Finnish state leaders, which has received administration time during their secondary growth.

niinistö, the eastern neighbour of a colleague of your chosen still odotetummin Vladimir Putin a second term in march. In July, Putin was again making history in Helsinki by meeting niinistö in addition to Us president, Donald Trump .

Väyrynen and new moves

Although many of the veteran politician announced that in 2018 during the leave of parliament, Paavo Väyrynen not going anywhere. Instead, Väyrynen own political years was the least eventful.

the center’s honorary chairman, announced after the presidential election challenge he was the center of the sitting chairman Juha Sipilä. Väyrynen had first to resign based on his civil party more powerful sound after a dispute. After he gave up the whole game of unfair competition citing.

Also in the year 2018 has been eventful Paavo Väyrynen’s life. Pete Anikari

He resigned in April, also in the city centre. He returned to the parliament in June, when the Mikko Kärnä had to leave the place. Väyrynen is based on seven-star movement and received in December, the party setting up the necessary 5 000 supporter cards size.

Väyrynen business is not the only reform on the political map. Mps and the conservative party vote winner Harry ”Hjallis” Harkimo hit the spokes in the party in the parliamentary election game difference by the coalition and the establishment of Business now -the name of the political movement in April.

mentioned in the

English was in the year 2018 during a lot of international news, and not just the president, Donald Trump bewildering forest raking in the comments. In the spring, the United nations reports complained about the world’s happiest country – many Finnish great surprise.

Helsinki, Amos Rex art museum is at at all around the world. EPA/AOP

in Addition to the news of the fit in the basic income experiment and in 2018 during the graduates of the central library Ode as well as the art museum of Amos Rex. During the year also completed a New children’s hospital in Helsinki Meilahti.

License on more favorable

Many teenagers or possibly their parents were rejoicing, when the new driving licence act and the driver qualification entered into force at the beginning of July. A license may have many mandatory hours because of easily pay more than 2 000. Now the price gap of 1 000 to 1 300 euros.

the Reform reduced the mandatory driving school lessons and the lesson turned into a three-phase to single-phase. In addition to the license they can start their studies already at the age of 16, although the licence can continue to receive until he came of age. It can be obtained, though at the age of 17 waiver.

skiing success

the Finnish ski culture to recover partially still in the Bay in 2001 doping scandal caused by trauma. The wounds were a little ointment, when Iivo Niskanen skied handsome South Korean olympics gold medal in the 50 km classical mass start competition.

Niskanen skied the gold medal for Sami flour lake with the Sochi 2014 sprint, but the South Korean performance was the first Finnish personal skiing gold medal at the olympics in 20 years. Previous snatched Mika Myllylä Nagano olympic 30-kilometer skiing in 1998.

Iivo Niskanen skied great gold medal for South korea in the olympic 50-kilometer ski. EPA/AOP

Also Krista Pärmäkoski do great pyeongchangin in by winning one silver medal and two bronze.

day care prices

families with Children in terms of day care of the client fee calculation was good news. More and more low-income to get into the lower payment category. At best, the savings have climbed to more than a thousand per year.

Changes the family has put the second child to kindergarten siblings with half the price. The next children price is only one-fifth.

the work of the tax cuts

the Government play by the tax changes took effect from the beginning of the year. Employers ‘ social insurance contributions fell, and they were transferred to the employee. In exchange for wage taxation were lightened so that changes do not just appear liksassa.

in Addition, some municipalities changed the municipal tax rate. For example, in Helsinki the decline of their own municipal tax rate to half a percentage point. Many municipalities again raised it.

Mortgage interest deduction reduction will continue also in the year 2018. This time deduct decreased by ten percentage points. Deductible accounted for in 2018, 35%, and in 2019 it will be only 25%.

Although alcohol law reform lightened regulation, of alcohol and tobacco taxation tightened. Car tax instead, count.