– This is something the government has found as a antics to sort it out in HRS-mess, says the socialist left Karin Andersen, to the Newspaper.
“Krumspringet” that the coalition parties and the christian democratic party has set aside 500 000 extra in salderingen of this year’s budget. Ekstrabevilgningen is not a part of the treatment of the government budget for 2019.
A, the Labour party and the centre party vote against when the case comes up for vote later in the day. In the setting point of the three parties that HRS is a national ressursmiljø on integreringsfeltet, “but a innvandringskritisk blog”.
socialist left Karin Andersen will, instead, that the half million will be distributed equally between the Holocaust center and the Antiracist centre before going to HRS.
Said no, votes yes
Human Rights Service (HRS) has for the last two years been 1.835.000 money in grants, but in the autumn proposals for the national budget was the funding cut with a half a million dollars. It created the anger in Progress.
– Petty and unnecessary by Jan Tore Sanner to cut in support of the Human Rights Service (HRS), wrote Frp deputy chairman Sylvi Listhaug on Twitter when the proposal for the national budget came.
In retrospect, it has emerged that the cut was not trusted in the government as a corporate body.
– There are changes on the state budget that is not plenumsforankret in the government, simply because any cabinet member has responsibility for their areas and can make some omdisponeringer in the final stages, ” said prime minister Erna Solberg (H) to NRK.
Created the waves
There are certain describes that a pure goof from the knowledge and integreringsminister Jan Tore Sanner (H) should be corrected in Parliament, the progress party leader Siv Jensen even notified on Facebook.
the Left says no to increasing support to the HRS
But the case was not resolved in the autumn budsjettforhandlinger. On the contrary was the case it directly led to a Left-leader Trine Skei grande’s telefontirade about Abid Raja under regjeringspartienes formøte in statsrådssalen 10. november.
It was namely to clarify whether the Left had actually accepted to increase the support to the HRS that the Conservative Henrik Asheim called the Grande. When he said that the Raja rejected this, lost the Left-leader cool.
– You can’t trust anything he says, she said about his trusted partifelle and fiscal advocate. She accused Raja to lie and undermine both her and the party.
Voted no
The two later skværet up, but the allocations to the HRS creates still irritation in the Liberal party’s parliamentary group. This is due not least that a unanimous party earlier in the autumn said no to increasing support to the HRS on the state budget for next year, so the Newspaper previously told.
Abid Raja: – I forgive Trine Video
When the Raja along the way in budsjettforhandlingene realized that Grande yet had given the party’s adherence to the half-million, he demanded close to 17 million in support to other organizations as a plaster on the wound.
Hestehandelen, however, was rejected by the KrF, which would not go with to increase the allocations to HRS on the 2019 budget. But the 17 million was still left in the budsjettavtalen.
– I can see myself in the mirror and say that this was very well negotiated, said the Raja to Dagbladet the other.
“Prerequisite” from the Sector
When the Progress now to explain why the party still ends up with voting for HRS to get a half a million dollars extra, is it a tight-lipped Thorhilda Bransdal that provide its justification for the Newspaper.
This is a part of the settlement around the saldert budget, so we vote for it, ” says His representative.
– the Assumption is that the grant comes across another post in the spring, when the work does not belong naturally under the aid to integration, stresses the Bransdal.
the Liberal parliamentary leader Terje Breivik has the following comment:
– This is, as the Newspaper previously discussed, a part of a budsjettavtale where the Left has been given the green light for much, but not all our points of view.
the Government has also decided that the grant to the HRS will be transferred from the Right-controlled Studies and integreringsdepartementet to the Politically-controlled ministry of Justice and public security in connection with the revised national budget in the spring.
This got Abid Raja to hold their nose