Chérif C., the fugitive suspect of the crime in Strasbourg, was known to the police. As a notorious offender. C. was sentenced to 20 Times, including for aggravated robbery; in Germany he was sitting in prison. On Tuesday morning, before the attack, his apartment was in the course of an investigation into the attempted murder by addiction.

on The other, the man is since 2016 as a radically isolated in the controversial attacker file “Fiche S”. The S stands for, the sûreté de l’etat (state security). This file has been around since the 1960s, as one of the 21 sub-groups of the file of wanted persons, which includes several hundred thousand people. From security circles, it means that the threshold for registration in the French file was significantly lower than that for the recording in the German attacker file.

in 2012, were registered in the Fiche S about 5,000 people in 2015, according to the then Prime Minister of 20’000 people, among them 10’500, which were regarded as the Islamists. Depending on the risk, you will receive a classification from level 1 (the highest category) to 15.

The System should help the police and Gendarmerie about roadside checks. Someone is apprehended, the directory runs in the S, is not allowed to be taken by the Person immediately or abroad to be deported. You can monitor the Concerned, but, for example, by listening on your conversations, your phone keeps track of signals, or you are physically shadowed. What is actually made, seems to lie in the discretion of the investigators, a classification there is. Every two years, assessed the entries according to the Figaro, and, where appropriate, adjusted.

In the criticism of the directory, because of attacks or attempted attacks by individuals have been committed, in this directory. About Mohammed Merah, killed in 2012 in Montauban and Toulouse, several people, including three soldiers and three Jewish children; Amedy Coulibaly, shot and killed after the Paris attacks 2015 four hostages in a Jewish supermarket. Or Ayoub El Kahzzani, the act in August 2015, the pass in a Thalys train was overwhelmed, before he could proceed any further.

doubt as to the meaning of the Fiche S

In the Public Fichisierung was asked then: What is the “S” if the attacker can strike anyway? Almost all of the Islamist bombers were listed, but no one has been concretely verified, accused the Senator Nathalie Goulet at that time, headed a Commission of inquiry to the fight against jihadis. The System needed to be functioning or stopped. So far you have to go to lax. S-offenders should sex offenders are regularly and intensively checked.

Similar to Laurent Wauquiez, leader of the conservative Republicans argued on Tuesday evening. “How many attacks are still Classified perpetrated by S before we change our law in the fight against terrorism?”, he tweeted.

Also, Marine Le Pen, leader of the extreme right-wing Rassemblement National, has repeatedly criticized Fiche S bring “nothing”. On Tuesday evening, called for a “radical Change”. Among other things, you want to reach, that foreigners that are in the directory, will be immediately deported.

The Republican-Deputy Eric Ciotti, warned on Wednesday morning that in the coming years, “500 radical Islamists” from the prison would be dismiss. The “most dangerous offenders” were, therefore, in security custody. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 12.12.2018, 14:00 Uhr