It’s a big fat Indian wedding: Isha Ambani, the daughter of the richest Indian Mukesh Ambani (estimated net worth: the equivalent of 40 billion francs), marries Anand Piramal, son of a Immobilienmoguls (in comparison a modest increase of 4,5 billion). The private big event beats records, starting with the traffic on the Mumbai airport. Within 24 hours, there were 1007 aircraft movements, as many as never before in its history. Including the number of goods to the private flights of the Indian and international money aristocracy from and to Udaipur, where the pre-wedding party took place.

There is a pop star, Beyoncé, the charge for private performances of two million francs or more, sang, Hillary Clinton, regarded as the old friend of the family danced. Her husband Bill had made as the US President, the Patriarch of the clan, and grandfather of the bride, Dhirubhai Ambani, on several occasions. Also among the guests: a number of Bollywood Stars and members of the Bollygarchen-Establishment of Indian families that have become in the Wake of the economic Opening of the country’s fabulously rich.

Charged for for a private gig two million Swiss francs or more: pop star Beyonce on the way to Ambanis pre-wedding party in Uidapur. (9. December 2018) (image: AP Photo/Rohit Kothari)

In India, despite phenomenal economic growth is still a desperately poor country. A decreasing, but still significant part of the 1.2 billion Indians are starving or living on less than two francs per day. At the same time, more entrepreneurs were in India, so fast, so incredibly rich as in any other country. Two years ago, it had already managed 86 of the Indians in the billionaire list of the capitalists illustrated magazine “Forbes”. For comparison: China had to show for it at the same time, its economic development – measured in the national income – only 10 billionaires.

Mukesh Ambani is not only the richest but also the unverfrorenste, risk most joyful and Flamboyan most of the Bollygarchen. He has in the Oil trade-based wealth of his father, thanks to bold investment, among other things, to the rapidly growing mobile telephony business, multiplied. Augenfälligster expression of Ambanis wealth of his house: A skyscraper, setting itself up 173 yards on the Slums of Mumbai. 6 of the 27 floors are solely reserved for the cars of the Tycoons and his family.

daughter Isha, one of the Ambanis three children, meets all the clichés of the heiress one of the richest Asian Clans. Trained at the elite American universities of Yale and Stanford, she made her first professional experience at consulting firm McKinsey. She sits in several boards of Directors of the company conglomerate family, and has also founded her own Online fashion Start-up.

Now, at the age of 27, the marriage to a billionaire Scion. Anand Piramal has also visited the best U.S. universities, and working in the real estate business of his father. The families have known each other a long time, to advise each other on business and private. The relations are closely caste in the Indian Billionaire. It cements and cements it with weddings, which may not lack to rich and influential friends.


Created: 11.12.2018, 15:13 PM