The 21-year-old Venezuelans bored in the summer during 90 days in Switzerland with his girlfriend, a 34-year-old German. 90 days is allowed without a permit in Switzerland. Just before he leaves, is clear: His girlfriend is pregnant. So decides to marry the Couple, and is in Kloten, the civil registry office, in order to set the so-called marriage preparation process.

at this time, the 90 days expired already. Therefore, the Venezuelans, however, is not Worried. In General, the migration office with a temporary connivance, if someone is already in the preparation process for the wedding. First, the competent officer refuses to the municipality but to initiate the procedure, because the Venezuelan has no residence permit. Then she gives in and says he can pick up the form a day later.

legal Again in Switzerland

As the young man the next day on the ward appears to be, put him off, the clerk, the form should be printed. But instead of getting it, it will alert the police Department of the Canton: At the office a man was without a valid residence permit. A few minutes later, the Venezuelans will be discharged. After two days in jail, the police release him with the stipulation to leave the country immediately. In addition, he receives a penalty order with a conditional fine, because he has violated the foreigners act.

As the police, the man on the next day exclusive of monkeys, he is already submerged. In the meantime, his legal representative, SP-a member of the Parliament Davide takes care of Loss, the case. He complains to the cantonal municipal office of the city of Kloten and requires that these introductory the preparation process and his client, the appropriate certificate over. Loss law. The municipality must deliver the form, such as from the decision.

Instead of the form, hand over, alerted the clerk to the Canton police.

Since then, on his client once again legal in Switzerland, the migration office issued him, because of the form of a tolerance. The thing seemed also to Loss done. Then he learned of a second case at the beginning of this month. This Time, a 21-year-old Brazilian spoke after the expiration of your tourist stay on the Klotener civil registry office.

she was arrested when she appeared a second Time at the civil registry office. Loss is indignant: “The municipality has adapted its practice, apparently.” Together with two other Canton councils of the CVP and the FDP, he submitted this week to these incidents, a request to the state Council.

councillor fights back

The competent Klotener councillor, Regula Kaeser-Stöckli (Green), Loss’ advance left. On request, she said she could not comment on individual cases. But she admits it was a mistake, a marriage of the form to agree not to hand over because he had no valid residence permit. “This practice, we have now been adapted.” But points also to the fact that a civil registry office is legally obliged to report suspected violations of Law. This is also the municipal office in his decision holds.

Against the charge of wishing to marry had been lured under false pretenses into the office, fighting Kaeser-Stöckli. It was not unusual that the papers were complete, and couples would have to appear several times on the office. This happens also in the case of Swiss pairs often.

neither the Venezuelans nor the Brazilian, would have been Married previously, Loss says. Both are in the preparation process – but both with a legal residence status. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 20.12.2018, 10:49 PM