the population in the cities, the urban sprawl initiative is relatively good. In the recent Tamedia survey from the 10./11. Let’s say January, 57 percent of city dwellers Yes or rather Yes to the popular initiative, which enters on the second Sunday of the urn. In the Agglomeration (52) and (48) is the response lower.

The urban audience holds a Freeze on the building zones as required by the young Green Initiative, apparently for a grip against the ground loss. Accordingly, the initiators hope to see a strong mobilisation of the predominantly red-and-green urban environment to choose. It could be tight. Currently, the Initiative, according to the survey, a majority (52 percent).

The sympathy of the urban population, however, stands in sharp contrast to the attitude of the cities Association, is opposed to the Initiative. Why? Today, the large reserves of building land are mainly peripheral. In the big cities, more than 90 percent of the building zones are covered, in smaller there are less.

The cities, chaired by the Solothurner national councillor Kurt Fluri (FDP), warns, because even a Freeze in the construction zones will probably have rapidly rising land prices. Also, the Initiative to Rob the cities of any flexibility that you would need for a qualitative summarization of their settlement area.

warning Basel

In Basel, for example, would be, it is questionable whether the development of the goods station of the Wolf in a new urban district would still be possible, as state councillor Hans-Peter Wessels (SP) says. “The pressure in the centers would continue to increase, land prices and Rents would be driven in the height.” In contrast, would be installed on stock eingezonte, peripheral cultural landscapes, with the consequence of increasing traffic flows and infrastructure costs.

“The Initiative,” says Wessels, “is your name, unfortunately, is right: it reinforces the urban sprawl.” Wessels party colleague, the Zurich city President Corine Mauch (SP), also shares the attitude of the cities Association, whose Vice-President she is.

The initiators hold the fears of the cities unfounded. Why? The Initiative allows new land einzuzonen, if a non-built space of equal value and extent is elsewhere excluded from the construction zone.

How and whether the exchange would just work on the Canton boundaries, however, is unclear. Lucjan Franzini from the initiative Committee is convinced, however: “The cities have a good Lobby in Parliament.” In the implementation of the Initiative, the Parliament would refer the needs of the cities. Otherwise, it would be programmed in the Referendum against the implementation of the law, Franzini.

Support in Zurich and Bern

So the cities decidedly Association, the Initiative rejects: Not all the urban magistrates are on his line. The two Zurich city councils Daniel Leupi and Karin Rykart, both Green, in favour of the Initiative and counter the warning of rising rental rates.

The existing reserves in the city of Zurich were sufficient, the potential of On – and Zoning must therefore be used cautiously, says Rykart. “More important is that plenty of non-profit apartments, for which the cost of rent is required.” Similar to Leupi.

Also in Bern, a Green-magistrate of the Initiative and is President of Alec von graffenried “in the affirmative,” he says. He notes, however, that with the Revision of the spatial planning act already important cornerstones established, the implementation of which would not have been used at the launch of the urban sprawl initiative. In the interest of effective planning and responsible development of settlements, for him, therefore, the consistent implementation of the instruments of the spatial planning act in focus.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 28.01.2019, 19:12 PM