Ghent The driver of a tractor this morning, the scare of his lifetime when his tractor-trailer into the canal Ghent-Terneuzen, the townspeople at the height of the Riemekaai. The fire service and a friendly company pulled the tractor out of the water.

How the tractor exactly in the water ended up, is still unclear. The man came with his tractor and semi-trailer trucks from the direction of Little Russia, when he all of a sudden a pole with security cameras, and water reed.

According to bystanders kept the man unharmed and he could take himself out of his tractor to crawl. “The man can itself also not very good at explaining how it could happen”, it sounds at the fire department. “He indicated that he may have his eyes of the road pulled out because he was coughing.” the

With the help of a befriended company began the fire to the bergingswerken. The trailer was first out of the water hoisted, then have divers of the fire brigade, also the tractor salvaged. There is no hindrance to traffic since it landbouwvoertuig not far in the water to a halt. The pole with the surveillance cameras will need to be repaired.